
Creating list of series to list of dfs

list, of, Pandas, series, to, data, frame
pip install l-pdseries-2-l-dfs==0.1


#Description: Pip installable package avilable at:


The function: <l_pdseries_2_l_dfs> stands for List_pdSeries_to_list_dataFrames, converts a list of #pandas series to list of pandas data frame. For further easy analysis of #list of dfs. Many times we are faced that we have a list of list of pandas df. # this function helps in such situations

#To use:

import l_pdseries_2_l_dfs as s2df

l_series_2_l_dfs = s2df.l_pdseries_2_l_dfs(l_series, ndfs)

#where l_series is a list of pandas series. It must be of the shape:

>>shape_of_l_series = [inner_element.shape for inner_element in l_series] >>shape_of_l_series

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# so we have a list of series of pandas series with shapes each: [(1232,), (1110,), (234,), (1930,), #(841,)] #So if we want to create a data frame out of these list of series we can use the above module. #Again we have 33 series (columns) of each of the shape, so we want to make a data frame with 33. Also, #we have 5 different series so we want to have 5 dfs. hence, ndfs = 5 in this case. please choose #according to your data the value of ndfs. correct value of ndfs is imporant otherwise it will throw #error. The return value of module is a list of data frames of shape: [(1207, 33), (1086, 33), (234, #33), (1905, 33), (816, 33)]