
Utilities for 2D bounding boxes

pip install lagh==1.0.0



Python 2D bounding box library and utilities.


pip install boxb


from boxb import BBox, MultiBBox
bbox = BBox([20, 40, 30, 50])
coords = bbox.arr
>>> [20.0, 40.0, 30.0, 50.0]

bbox2 = BBox([10, 30, 25, 45])
multi_bbox = MultiBBox([bbox, bbox2])
>>> MultiBBox([BBox([10.0, 30.0, 25.0, 45.0]), BBox([25.0, 40.0, 30.0, 50.0]), BBox([20.0, 45.0, 25.0, 50.0])])

multi_bbox_2 = MultiBBox(bbox)
multi_bbox_2.add_bbox(bbox2) # or multi_bbox_2 += bbox2
>>> True

bbox_sub = bbox.subtract(bbox2) # returns list of BBox
multi_bbox_3 = MultiBBox(bbox_sub)
>>> MultiBBox([BBox([20.0, 45.0, 25.0, 50.0]), BBox([25.0, 40.0, 30.0, 50.0])])

multi_bbox_4 = MultiBBox(bbox)
multi_bbox_4.remove_bbox(bbox2) # or multi_bbox_4 -= bbox2
>>> True

from boxb import loads, dumps
>>> {"type": "MultiBBox", "coords": [[25.0, 40.0, 30.0, 50.0], [20.0, 45.0, 25.0, 50.0]]}
multi_bbox_5 = loads(dumps(multi_bbox_4))
>>> True

API Reference

boxb.loads: Load BBox/MultiBBox from JSON string

boxb.load: Load BBox/MultiBBox from JSON file

boxb.dumps: Dump BBox/MultiBBox to JSON string

boxb.dump: Dump BBox/MultiBBox to JSON file

boxb.BBox: Bounding box object.

BBox Methods:

  • __init__(arr=None): Construct from None (empty), list or tuple of 4 floats/integers
  • clone(): Returns a replica of the BBox
  • empty(): Is the BBox empty? return boolean
  • intersect(bbox): Returns intersection with another BBox as a BBox
  • union(bbox): Returns the smallest bounding box containing both bounding boxes as a BBox
  • contains(bbox): Does this BBox contain bbox? return boolean
  • subtract(bbox): Exclude bbox from this BBox, returns a list of BBoxes (possibly empty)
  • equals(bbox): Does this BBox equal BBox? returns a boolean
  • to_json(): Converts the BBox to a JSON-serializable object, returns a dict
  • from_json(): Converts a JSON-serializable object of format {"type": "BBox", "coords": [x, y, z, t]} to a BBox, returns the BBox

BBox Properties:

  • arr: List of coordinates (of length 4)

boxb.MultiBBox: An object representing multiple non-intersecting bounding boxes

MultiBBox Methods:

  • __init__(arr=None): Construct from None (empty), list or tuple of BBoxes, MultiBBox or a single BBox and transforms them into non-intersecting BBoxes
  • clone(): Returns a replica of the MultiBBox
  • empty(): Is the MultiBBox empty? return boolean
  • __add__(other) (+ operation): Adds a BBox/MultiBBox to the MultiBBox and returns the resulting MultiBBox
  • add_bbox(other): Equivalent of +=
  • __sub__(other) (- operation): Excludes a BBox/MultiBBox from the current MultiBBox and returns the resulting MultiBBox
  • equals(bbox): Does this MultiBBox equal BBox? returns a boolean
  • to_json(): Converts the MultiBBox to a JSON-serializable object, returns a dict
  • from_json(): Converts a JSON-serializable object of format {"type": "MultiBBox", "coords": [[x, y, z, t], [a, b, c, d]]} to a MultiBBox, returns the MultiBBox

MultiBBox Properties:

  • arr: List of BBoxes (of any length), guaranteed to be non-intersecting unless manipulated manually