Layered agents!

agent, agents, ai, hierarchical, layered, layers, llm
pip install lasagna-ai==0.7.2


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Lasagna AI

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version Test Status

  • 🥞 Layered agents!

    • Agents for your agents!
    • Tool-use and layering FTW 💪
    • Ever wanted a recursive agent? Now you can have one! 🤯
    • Parallel tool-calling by default.
    • Fully asyncio.
    • 100% Python type hints.
    • Functional-style 😎
    • (optional) Easy & pluggable caching! 🏦
  • 🚣 Streamable!

    • Event streams for everything.
    • Asyncio generators are awesome.
  • 🗃️ Easy database integration!

    • Don't rage when trying to store raw messages and token counts. 😡 🤬
    • Yes, you can have both streaming and easy database storage.
  • ↔️ Provider/model agnostic and interoperable!

    • Native support for OpenAI, Anthropic, NVIDIA NIM/NGC (+ more to come).
    • Message representations are canonized. 😇
    • Supports vision!
    • Easily build committees!
    • Swap providers or models mid-conversation.
    • Delegate tasks among model providers or model sizes.
    • Parallelize all the things.

Table of Contents


pip install -U lasagna-ai[openai,anthropic]

If you want to easily run all the ./examples, then you can install the extra dependencies used by those examples:

pip install -U lasagna-ai[openai,anthropic,example-deps]

Used By

Lasagna is used in production by:



Here is the most simple agent (it doesn't add anything to the underlying model). More complex agents would add tools and/or use layers of agents, but not this one! Anyway, run it in your terminal and you can chat interactively with the model. 🤩

(taken from ./examples/

from lasagna import (

from import (

from typing import List, Callable

import asyncio

from dotenv import load_dotenv; load_dotenv()

MODEL_BINDER = bind_model('openai', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125')

async def main() -> None:
    system_prompt = "You are grumpy."
    tools: List[Callable] = []
    my_agent = build_most_simple_agent(tools)
    my_bound_agent = MODEL_BINDER(my_agent)
    await tui_input_loop(my_bound_agent, system_prompt)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Want to add your first tool? LLMs can't natively do arithmetic (beyond simple arithmetic with small numbers), so let's give our model a tool for doing arithmetic! 😎

(full example at ./examples/

import sympy as sp


def evaluate_math_expression(expression: str) -> float:
    This tool evaluates a math expression and returns the result.
    Pass math expression as a string, for example:
     - "3 * 6 + 1"
     - "cos(2 * pi / 3) + log(8)"
     - "(4.5/2) + (6.3/1.2)"
     - ... etc
    :param: expression: str: the math expression to evaluate
    expr = sp.sympify(expression)
    result = cast(float, expr.evalf())
    return result


    tools: List[Callable] = [
    my_agent = build_most_simple_agent(tools)


Debug Logging

This library logs using Python's builtin logging module. It logs mostly to INFO, so here's a snippet of code you can put in your app to see those traces:

import logging

    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',

# ... now use Lasagna as you normally would, but you'll see extra log traces!

Special Thanks

Special thanks to those who inspired this library:


lasagna-ai is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Joke Acronym

Layered Agents with toolS And aGeNts and Ai