
Some simple math we use to do journalism.

pip install latimes-calculate==0.1.5


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Some simple math we use to do journalism.

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  • Descriptive statistics like mean, median, percentile, mode, range, standard deviation
  • Comparison statistics like percentage change, per-capita, per square mile, percentiles, deciles and rankings
  • Geospatial stats like mean center and standard deviation distance
  • A small dab of more complicated hoohah like Pearson’s R
  • A grabbag of utilities for a diversity index, Benford’s Law, ages, margin of victory, date rates, making break points, generating random points and other things


For most functions, nothing. GeoDjango and its dependencies are required for a small number of the geospatial functions, though the rest of the module will work if it is not installed.

Getting started

Install from PyPI

$ pip install latimes-calculate

Experiment in Python shell

>>> import calculate
>>> calculate.percentage_change(100, 150)