
A lazy mapping whose values are evaluated when accessed

pip install lazymap==1.0.1



A lazy mapping whose values are evaluated when accessed


You can install this package with pip.

$ pip install lazymap



Source Code - GitHub

PyPI - lazymap


A LazyMap is a mapping whose values can be evaluated only when they are accessed. This is useful when you need a mapping which might not need to evaluate all of its values, but it is unknown which values will be needed.

Not all values of a LazyMap need to be lazily evaluated. You can also store regular values in a LazyMap.

LazyMap also supports caching of values, so that they are only evaluated once, although this can be disabled on a per-object or per-key basis.


from lazymap import LazyMap

Creating a LazyMap

You can initialize a LazyMap and provide it with initial static values, initial lazy values, a default factory function for missing keys, and any combination of the above. Additionally you can enable (default) or disable caching for the entire LazyMap.

If a default factory function is provided, it will be called with the key as an argument when a key is accessed which is not in the LazyMap.

static = LazyMap({"a": 1, "b": 2})
lazy = LazyMap({"c": lambda: 3})
default = LazyMap(default=lambda key: key * 2)
uncached = LazyMap({"random": lambda: randint(0, 100)}, cache=False)

Creating a LazyMap from keys and a function

You can initialize a LazyMap from a set of keys and a function which will be used to evaluate the value of each key. This way, the values are only evaluated when they are accessed.

You can also pass allow_missing=True to the fromkeys constructor to also use the function as a default factory function for missing keys.

def expensive(key):
	print(f'Calculating value for key {key}...')
	return key * 2

from_keys = LazyMap.fromkeys((1, 2, 3), expensive)

Adding values to a LazyMap

You can add non-lazy values to a LazyMap just like you would a dictionary.

lazy_map = LazyMap()
lazy_map["a"] = 1 # not lazy

You can also add lazy values to a LazyMap with the lazy method.

def get_b():
	print('Calculating value of x...')
	return 42

lazy_map.lazy("x", get_x) # lazy
print(lazy_map["x"]) # Calls get_x

Caching values

By default, the lazy values of a LazyMap are only evaluated once. The value is then cached and returned on subsequent accesses.

You can also pass cache=True or cache=False when adding a lazy key with lazy() to override the default caching behaviour for that key.

lazy_map = LazyMap()

def get_value():
	return randint(0, 100)

lazy_map.lazy("cached", get_value)
lazy_map.lazy("uncached", get_value, cache=False)

print(lazy_map["cached"]) # 42
print(lazy_map["cached"]) # 42
print(lazy_map["uncached"]) # 69
print(lazy_map["uncached"]) # 13