
Dead simple I2P SAM library

I2P, SAM, socket
pip install leaflet==0.0.3



Dead simple I2P SAM library. Download now and enjoy Garlic Routing today!

pip install leaflet

How to use

def hello_server(server_addr='server.b32.i2p'):
    # test SAM connection
    controller = Controller()

    # create our "IP Address"
    with controller.create_dest() as our_dest:
        # connect to a remote destination and send our message
        sock = our_dest.connect(server_addr)
        # SAM will give us response headers when the connection is successful
        sam_reply = sock.parse_headers()
        # now we can send data
        sock.sendall(b'Hello, there!')
        # receive reply
        real_reply = sock.recv(4096)

        print(sam_reply, real_reply)

Create identities, connect to a remote destination and accept data streams.

Write a datagram client and a datagram server.

Class reference

Examples to play with

To run the demo, make sure you have two terminal windows open.

Hello, how are you?

Script for terminal window #1.

python3 -m leaflet.examples.basic server
# it will print out its server address

Script for terminal window #2.

python3 -m leaflet.examples.basic client serveraddress.b32.i2p

Nevermind, you probably wouldn't get it.

Script for terminal window #1

python3 -m leaflet.examples.datagram server
# wait until it prints out its server address

Script for terminal window #2:

python3 -m leaflet.examples.datagram client serveraddress.b32.i2p


  • Python 3 only. Nobody writes new code in Python 2 in 2017.

  • Leaflet is based on i2p.socket but it is no longer a drop-in socket module replacement. If you like to monkey-patch your modules, then you are on your own.

  • No RAW socket support. You aren't gonna need it anyway.