
Learning3D: A Modern Library for Deep Learning on 3D Point Clouds Data

pip install learning3d==0.1.0


Learning3D: A Modern Library for Deep Learning on 3D Point Clouds Data.

Documentation | Quick Start | Python | Demo

Learning3D is an open-source library that supports the development of deep learning algorithms that deal with 3D data. The Learning3D exposes a set of state of art deep neural networks in python. A modular code has been provided for further development. We welcome contributions from the open-source community.

Available Computer Vision Algorithms in Learning3D

Sr. No. Tasks Algorithms
1 Classification PointNet, DGCNN
2 Segmentation PointNet, DGCNN
3 Reconstruction Point Completion Network (PCN)
4 Registration PointNetLK, PCRNet, DCP, PRNet
5 Flow Estimation FlowNet3D

Available Pretrained Models

  1. PointNet
  2. PCN
  3. PointNetLK
  4. PCRNet
  5. DCP
  6. PRNet
  7. FlowNet3D

Available Datasets

  1. ModelNet40

Technical Details

Supported OS

  1. Ubuntu 16.04
  2. Ubuntu 18.04
  3. Linux Mint


  1. CUDA 10.0 or higher
  2. Pytorch 1.3 or higher
  3. Transforms3d 0.3 or higher
  4. Ninja
  5. H5py