
A package to learn about Reinforcement Learning

pip install learnrl==1.0.2


Welcome to LearnRL's community !

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LearnRL is a library to use and learn reinforcement learning. It's also a community off supportive enthousiasts loving to share and build RL-based AI projects ! We would love to help you make projects with LearnRL, so join us on Discord !

About LearnRL

LearnRL is a tool to monitor and log reinforcement learning experiments. You build/find any compatible agent (only need an act method), you build/find a gym environment, and learnrl will make them interact together ! LearnRL also contains both tensorboard and weights&biases integrations for a beautiful and sharable experiment tracking ! Also, LearnRL is cross platform compatible ! That's why no agents are built-in learnrl itself, but you can check:

You can build and run your own Agent in a clear and sharable manner !

import learnrl as rl
import gym

class MyAgent(rl.Agent):

   def act(self, observation, greedy=False):
      """ How the Agent act given an observation """
      return action

   def learn(self):
      """ How the Agent learns from his experiences """
      return logs

   def remember(self, observation, action, reward, done, next_observation=None, info={}, **param):
      """ How the Agent will remember experiences """

env = gym.make('FrozenLake-v0', is_slippery=True) # This could be any gym-like Environment !
agent = MyAgent(env.observation_space, env.action_space)

pg = rl.Playground(env, agent)
pg.fit(2000, verbose=1)

Note that 'learn' and 'remember' are optional, so this framework can also be used for baselines !

You can logs any custom metrics that your Agent/Env gives you and even chose how to aggregate them through different timescales. See the metric codes for more details.

     ('reward~env-rwd', {'steps': 'sum', 'episode': 'sum'}),
     ('handled_reward~reward', {'steps': 'sum', 'episode': 'sum'}),

pg.fit(2000, verbose=1, metrics=metrics)
The Playground will allow you to have clean logs adapted to your will with the verbose parameter:
  • Verbose 1 : episodes cycles - If your environment makes a lot of quick episodes.
  • Verbose 2 : episode - To log each individual episode.
  • Verbose 3 : steps cycles - If your environment makes a lot of quick steps but has long episodes.
  • Verbose 4 : step - To log each individual step.
  • Verbose 5 : detailled step - To debug each individual step (with observations, actions, ...).

The Playground also allows you to add Callbacks with ease, for example the WandbCallback to have a nice experiment tracking dashboard using weights&biases!


Install LearnRL by running:

pip install learnrl


See the latest complete documentation for more details.
See the development documentation to see what's coming !



If you are having issues, please contact us on Discord.


The project is licensed under the GNU LGPLv3 license.
See LICENCE, COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for more details.