
A small set of utilities for configuring sentry & modifying normal sentry_sdk functionality

pip install lenders-sentry-utils==0.2


Lenders Sentry Utils

This is a package containing Sentry related utilities used across several Lenders Cooperative projects.


$ pip install lenders-sentry-utils


There are two major components in the package, sentry_init and TrafficSplittingHttpTransport. These are explained in the sections below. Additionally, there is one minor component, capture_exception. This is a simple wrapper for sentry_sdk.capture_exception that adds an event processor to protect a request's body if it exists in the event.

Sentry Init

This package's sentry_init is a wrapper for sentry_sdk.init with default values and automatic checking of environment variables. The following table lists each parameter and its relevant information. Any parameter with no description directly corresponds to a sentry_sdk.init option.

Parameter name Type Default value Description
env Env None An Env object to search if dsn, environment, or release are not passed
dsn str env("SENTRY_DSN")
environment str env("BASE_URL")
release str env("VERSION")
debug bool False
send_default_pii bool True
traces_sample_rate float 0.1
integrations List Django, Celery, Redis integrations
transport Transport HTTPTransport
before_send function None

Note: env, dsn, and environment are dependent on each other to a certain degree. If dsn or environment are not passed as parameters, env must be passed in order to pull the corresponding environment variable. Additionally, if dsn or environment are passed, the passed value will be used even if the corresponding environment variable exists in env. release is similar to dsn and environment, but it is fully optional.

Sentry Init Examples

from lenders_sentry_utils import sentry_init
from environ import Env

env = Env(
    SENTRY_DSN = (str, 'https://PK@sentry.io/0'),
    BASE_URL = (str, 'base.com'),

# Minimum viable function call

# Forcing a DSN that's not in the environment
different_dsn = 'https://different@not.sentry.io/3'
sentry_init(env=env, dsn=different_dsn)

# Setting DSN and environment without using environment variables
sentry_init(dsn=different_dsn, environment='special.env.com')


TrafficSplittingHttpTransport is a custom transport that splits transaction events to a second DSN while still sending error events to the primary DSN. This is usually done for billing purposes to ensure that all errors can be reported to Sentry. To use this transport, the environment variable SENTRY_TRANSACTIONS_DSN must be set with the second DSN as its value. If this environment variable is not set, transaction events will instead be discarded.

TrafficSplittingHttpTransport Examples

import lenders_sentry_utils as lsu
from environ import Env

drop_transactions_env = Env(
    SENTRY_DSN = (str, 'https://error_dsn@sentry.io/0'),
    BASE_URL = (str, 'base.com'),
send_transactions_env = Env(
    SENTRY_DSN = (str, 'https://error_dsn@sentry.io/0'),
    BASE_URL = (str, 'base.com'),
    SENTRY_TRANSACTIONS_DSN = (str, 'https://transactions_dsn@sentry.io/0'),

# Example 1: Sending transaction events
lsu.sentry_init(env=send_transactions_env, transport=lsu.TrafficSplittingHttpTransport)

# Example 2: Ignoring transaction events
lsu.sentry_init(env=drop_transactions_env, transport=lsu.TrafficSplittingHttpTransport)