
Tool to syncrhonise LevelEd hotbackup files to Amazon S3

riak, leveled, backup, s3
pip install leveled-hotbackup-s3-sync==1.0.2



A Python 3.8 tool which can backup and restore leveled hotbackups with Amazon S3, and optionally retrieve individual objects from a backup in Amazon S3.

Quick Start

For backup and restore with S3.

python3.8 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install leveled-hotbackup-s3-sync

# Usage
s3sync [backup|restore] [tag] --config config.cfg

[backup|restore] - specify operation to perform
[tag] - alphanumeric string to tag backup, or to select which backup to restore from
--config config.cfg - filename for the config file, see example config.cfg below

# Backup example
s3sync backup 123 --config config.cfg

# Restore example
s3sync restore 123 --config config.cfg

To use the object retrieval functionality, the python package must be installed with extras, shown below.

python3.8 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install 'leveled-hotbackup-s3-sync[retrieve]'

# Usage
s3retrieve [tag] --config config.cfg --bucket bucketName --key keyName [--buckettype type] [--output filename]

[tag] - alphanumeric string to select which backup to retrive object from
--config config.cfg - filename for the config file, see example config.cfg below
--bucket - name of bucket to retrieve object from
--key - name of object key to retrieve
[--buckettype type] - optional, bucket type to retrieve object from
[--output filename] - optional, filename to write out the object. If omitted, object value will be printed to screen.


This tool will backup and restore LevelEd (https://github.com/martinsumner/leveled) hotbackups to/from Amazon S3.

Intended to be used with Riak KV.

Backup will use the local Riak ring data at ring_path to determine which partitions are owned by the local node, then upload each hotbackup from the hotbackup_path to s3_path. When backup is being uploaded to S3, the manifest files are updated to reference the new S3 URIs for the journal files. Specifiy a unique tag for each backup (this is then used by restore).

hints_files = true option in config will also create a hints file for every journal file. The hints file is a CDB of Bucket/Key to sequence number. The hints file is required for single object retrieval directly from S3. If a backup has been saved to S3 without this option, then attempting to perform a single object retrieval will result in an error.

To restore to local filesystem, the same tag used during backup must be used. Restore will use the local Riak ring data at ring_path to determine which partitions are owned by the local node. Restore will then download the relevant tagged manifest from s3_path to the local leveled_path and download journal files if needed. New manifests are then written locally with updated references to the new journal file locations.

Example config.cfg

# hotbackup_path is the local filesystem path to the
# directory containing LevelEd hotbackups.
# e.g. what is passed to riak_client:hotbackup()
hotbackup_path = "/riak/hotbackup"

# ring_path is the local filesystem path to the
# Riak ring data directory. This is used to determine partition ownership
# of the current node.
ring_path = "/riak/data/ring"

# leveled_path is the local filesystem path to the
# Riak leveled data directory. This is used during restore.
leveled_path = "/riak/data/leveled"

# s3_path is the S3 URI to store/retrive the hotbackup
s3_path = "s3://bucket-name/hotbackup/"

# hints_file when set to true will create a hints file
# for each journal file. This is only needed for object level
# retrieval from S3
# valid values: true|false
# Optional
hints_files = true

# s3_endpoint can be used when the target S3 service
# is not the standard AWS S3 (e.g. localstack)
# Optional. Omit to use standard AWS URLs
# s3_endpoint = "http://localhost:4566"


To aid testing a docker-compose.yml is included in the localstack directory which will start Localstack to use as a local S3 service.

make localstack

The s3_endpoint config parameter can then be set in config.cfg to use the localstack S3 endpoint URL (e.g. "http://localhost:4566").

Riak backup example

To perform a Riak LevelEd hotbackup.

sudo riak remote_console
{ok, C} = riak:local_client().