
A test project using pybind11

asic, fpga, hdl, lgraph, live, simulation, synthesis
pip install lgraph==0.1.3



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LGRAPH is a graph optimized for live synthesis (Live Synthesizes Graph or LGRAPH for short). By live, we mean that small changes in the design should have results in few seconds. The goal is that any code change can have its synthesis and simulation setup ready under 30 seconds with a goal of under 4 seconds in most cases.

Notice that this is different goal from having a incremental synthesis were many edges are added and removed. The typical graph reconstruction is in the order of thousands of nodes.


LGRAPH uses bazel as a build system. Bazel.md has more details about how to build, test, and debug with bazel.


LGRAPH is optimized for synthesis, allowing forward and backward traversals in the nodes (bidirectional graph). The reason is that some algorithms need a forward and some a backward traversal. Being bidirectional helps.

The graph structure is based on synthesis graph requirements. Each conceptual graph node has many inputs and outputs like a normal graph, but the inputs and outputs are numbered. For example, a node can have 3 input ports and 2 output ports. Each of the input and output ports can have many edges to other graph nodes.

Each graph edge is between a specific graph node/port pair and another node/port pair. The graph supports to add meta-information on each node and node/port pair. The port identifier is an integer with up to 1024 (10 bits) value per node. In the code, the port is a Port_ID.

The graph is build over a table structure. Each table entry is 64 bytes and contains a full or part of a graph node information. To access the information, we use the table entry number of Index_ID.

When a new node is added to the graph a new Index_ID is generated. The node always has a Index_ID for the port zero, different Index_ID for other node/port pairs, and potentially additional Index_ID for extra storage to keep the graph edges. Each Index_ID can be used to store metainformation in additional tables like the delay, or operation, but in reality we only store information for the whole node or for each node/port pair.

The Index_ID that uniquely identifies the whole node is called Node_ID in LGRAPH. This is typically accessed with methods like get_nid().

The Index_ID that uniquely identifies a node/port pair is called Outp_ID (Output Pair ID). This is typically accessed with methods like get_oid(). The Node_ID and the Outp_ID is the same number when the port is zero.

When traversing the edges in the graph, it is possible to ask for:

get_nid // Node_ID/Index_ID that uniquely identifies the node
get_oid // Outp_ID/Index_ID that uniquely identifies the node/port pair
get_idx // Index_ID raw index pointer where the info is stored
get_inp_pid // Port_ID Input port for this edge
get_out_pid // Port_ID for the output port driving this edge

A graph edge does not have a unique id. LGRAPH does not allow to store meta-information for edges generic edges. It allows to store meta-information for Outp_ID. This is different than edge because the same node/port output can have many destinations and all have to share the same meta-information. This would be an issue if we want to store information like resistance/capacitance or distance per edge. If this becomes necessary, a potential solution would be to modify the graph so that at most an output edge is inserted for each Index_ID.

Index_ID // 37 bit index. Either a Outp_ID, Node_ID, or additional storage
Outp_ID  // 37 bit index, uniquely identifies a node/port pair
Node_ID  // 37 bit index, uniquely identifies a node
Port_ID  // 10bits, per node input/output port identifier


There are 3 types of iterators available over node is LGRAPH:

for(auto nid : g->fast())     { } // unordered but very fast traversal

for(auto nid : g->forward())  { } // propagates forward from each input/constant

for(auto nid : g->backward()) { } // propagates backward from each output

Whenever possible, fast should be used. The type of nid is Index_ID.

Edge iterators

To iterate over the input edges of node nid simply call:

for(auto& edge : g->inp_edges(nid))

And for output edges:

for(auto& edge : g->out_edges(nid))

Note that you have to use reference here (& required) since LGRAPH is heavilly optimized and uses memory positions. Not using reference would imly in a copy-constructor, and thus a different memory position, generating an invalid edge.


InOus are inputs and/or outputs to/from LGRAPH. An input will create a graph, eg., from a verilog descriprion, an yaml representation, or randomly. Similarly, an output will read an existing LGRAPH and generate an alternative representation, eg., verilog or yaml.

Examples of inou can be found in inou/yosys (for verilog handling) and inou/yaml.


Passes are transformations over an existing LGRAPH. A pass will read an LGRAPH and make changes to it. Usually this is done for optimizations. When creating a new pass, use the binary from pass/lgopt/, examples of passes can be found in pass/lgopt_dce which deletes any node that is not used by outputs of the LGRAPH.

Coding and contributing


For coding, please follow the coding styles from Style.md. To contribute, check Policy.md document that explains how to create pull requests and more details about license and copyrights. Also, contributors to LGRAPH are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct.

Code Organization

The code is organized as:

  • core/ # All the core classes of LGRAPH (nodes, edges, iterators, field tables, ...)
  • meta/ # All the additional fields added to the nodes
  • inou/ # All the inputs and outputs to and from LGRAPH
  • pass/ # Transformations over LGRAPH
  • cops/ # Combine operations, ie. take N graphs and creates another graph
  • misc/ # External libraries and other misc code
  • test/ # Testing code, scripts, cases and infrastructure (Note: unit tests should be placed inside the corresponding subfolder)
  • docs/ # Documentation of LGRAPH

Git Policies

Before pushing your code, make sure:

  • The code builds bazel build //...
  • The testbenches pass bazel test //...

Push frequently, if your code still has problems, use macros to turn parts of it off:

#if 0

Pull at least once a day when working, LGRAPH is in active development.

Always target warning free compilation. It is okay to commit code that triggers warning during development, but remember to clean up afterwards.

If you are not one of the code owners, you need to create a pull request as indicated in Policy.md and GitHub-use.md.