
Logs you into work

Furuness, Login, terminal
pip install lib-work-login==0.1.4



This package is a very simple one I wrote in a half hour, so lower your expectations.

All this package does is run a set of commands to log you into work through a terminal.

This is because I have to go through several ssh gateways, move dirs, activiate tmux, type my password, and sometimes I need multiple terminals going. So this is a way to make it much faster.

Package Description

This package is a really simple one I wrote, it just runs a set of commands to log you into work through a terminal. If you have not configured it yet, it will write to a config file for you the set of commands you typically run to log into work. Then it will type this config file, and log you into work.


In a Script - purely for development

You really shouldn't ever need this, but whatevs.

Also note that you don't ever need to run the configure function. Login will run that function for you.

from lib_work_login import Work_Login
# default conf path is "~/.work_login.conf and does not need changing
work_login_instance = Work_Login(conf_path="/my_conf_path")
work_login_instance.configure()  # configures script, not neseccary
work_login_instance.login()  # logs you in 

From the Command Line

NOTE: Even better, configure a custom keyboard shortcut! I use control alt l.

run in a terminal: login

If you need to reconfigure (run in a terminal) configure


Install the package with: pip3 install lib_work_login

To install from source and develop:

git clone
cd lib_work_login
python3 develop

System Requirements

Must have linux. You can prob change easily to support other OSes, but not currently supported


Run tests on install by doing: pip3 install lib_off_campus_housing_parser --force --install-option test This will install the package, force the command line arguments to be installed, and run the tests NOTE: You might need sudo to install command line arguments when doing this

You can test the package if in development by moving/cd into the directory where is located and running: python3 test

To test a specific submodule, cd into that submodule and run: pytest

Note: I currently have not written any tests, since I have tried the program and checked it's output by hand so I know that it works. I know that this is not sufficient, but no one is going to use this thing but me so whatevs.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request
  6. Email me at because I do not check those messages often


  • lib_work_login
    • 0.1.1 - Forgot to recreate egg stuff, pushing to pypi again
    • 0.1.0 - Initial commit



BSD License

TODO/Possible Future Improvements


Q: Did you just write this to procrastinate logging into work?

A: Yes