
Plugin Framework

pip install libkplug==0.3.0



libkplug is a simple framework for creating modular, configuration driven python applications.

Q: How is this different from just standard module development.

A: libkplug provides mechanisms to import and instantiate instances of classes by string identifiers, allowing for development of applications that can have behaviors altered or extended through config change alone.

Q: What are some example use-cases?

A1: Say I have developed a automation suite, which uses YAML files as a input source, with libkplug, I could abstract the YAML file loader into a named "ConfigReaderPlugin", and ship my automation suite with ConfigReaderPlugin set to the YAML file loader class 'YAMLFileLoader'. A user could then implement their own "ConfigReaderPlugin" which integrates with GIT, with the same contract as 'YAMLFileReader', and by allowing the user to set a variable 'ConfigPlugin=GitConfigLoader', the user has the means to integrate the application with ease.

Q: How do I instantiate plugins without having the type imported before-hand?

A: Code

# read the class of a plugin
clazz = libkplug.plugin_registry('SomePluginName')
# instantiate with args and kwargs as usual
myinst = clazz(key1=1, keyN='N')


source /my/venv/bin/activate
python install


Simple Example

This is a simple example, which will load the module plugins.plugin_helloworld, which contains a plugin HelloWorldPlugin. The program then instantiates a instance via the registry, using the plugin name as an argument.

# import libkplug
import libkplug
from libksettings import KSettings

# initialize settings with some defaults, suppressing config.yaml file loading
settings = KSettings(MY_HELLO_WORLD_CLASS='HelloWorldPlugin', PLUGINS=['plugins.plugin_helloworld'], load_yaml=False)

# get the class of the plugin
clazz = libkplug.plugin_registry(settings.MY_HELLO_WORLD_CLASS)

# instantiate it passing in args and kwargs if needed
inst = clazz(True, "Foo", kwarg1=1, kwargN="N")

# keep the program in a loop
while True:

The output

$> python INFO Initializing plugin architecture INFO Plugin Init: (), {} INFO Loading yaml file: config.yaml INFO Setting default MY_HELLO_WORLD_CLASS = HelloWorldPlugin INFO Setting default PLUGINS = ['plugins.plugin_helloworld'] INFO Setting config KEY1 = VAL1 INFO Setting config PLUGINS = ['plugins.plugin_helloworld'] INFO Setting config MY_HELLO_WORLD_CLASS = HelloWorldPlugin INFO Yaml loaded successful INFO Plugins to load: ['plugins.plugin_helloworld'] INFO Attempting to load plugin: plugins.plugin_helloworld INFO Registering Plugin id: HelloWorldPlugin from class: <class 'plugins.plugin_helloworld.HelloWorldPlugin'> INFO Starting up INFO OrderedDict([('HelloWorldPlugin', <class 'plugins.plugin_helloworld.HelloWorldPlugin'>)]) INFO Module Unknown->>HelloWorldPlugin INFO Plugin Request: args: ('HelloWorldPlugin',), kwargs: {} INFO Class: <class 'plugins.plugin_helloworld.HelloWorldPlugin'> INFO Instantiating instance of: HelloWorldPlugin args: () and kwargs: {'settings': <libksettings.KSettings object at 0x1094f1358>} INFO Thread-1: Sat Jan 19 09:35:24 2019 INFO Thread-2: Sat Jan 19 09:35:26 2019 INFO Thread-1: Sat Jan 19 09:35:26 2019

Sample Application

See example which loads config.yaml file, and starts a plugin which has two threads.


libkplug provides the KPlugin base class, plugin_registry, and plugin registration decorators.

Simple example plugin:

import logging

# initializes the plugin system
import libkplug

# a inline plugin registration
class HelloWorldPlugin(libkplug.KPlugin):
    # this is the identifier for when calling the plugin, should almost always be the class name
    plugin_name = 'HelloWorldPlugin'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):'Instantiating instance of: %s args: %s and kwargs: %s' % (self.plugin_name, args, kwargs))

    def hello(self, name="default"):"Hello %s from %s instance method" % (name, self))
        return name

    def hello_world():"Hello World")
        return "Hello World"

Initialize the Plugin System

>>> # init libkplug
>>> import libkplug
>>> # check current plugins
>>> print(libkplug.plugin_registry.plugins_dict)
>>> import plugins.plugin_helloworkd
>>> print(libkplug.plugin_registry.plugins_dict)
OrderedDict([('HelloWorldPlugin', <class 'plugins.plugin_helloworld.HelloWorldPlugin'>)])

Register a Plugin with KSettings

>>> import libksettings
>>> import libkplug INFO Initializing plugin architecture INFO Plugin Init: (), {}
>>> settings = libksettings.KSettings(PLUGINS=['plugins.plugin_helloworld'], load_yaml=False) INFO Setting default PLUGINS = ['plugins.plugin_helloworld'] INFO YAML loading disabled INFO Plugins to load: ['plugins.plugin_helloworld'] INFO Attempting to load plugin: plugins.plugin_helloworld INFO Registering Plugin id: HelloWorldPlugin from class: <class 'plugins.plugin_helloworld.HelloWorldPlugin'> INFO Config: {'PLUGINS': ['plugins.plugin_helloworld']}

Register a Plugin Manually

Importing any file containing classes decorated with @libkplug.plugin_registry.register will register the plugins. Just be sure to import libkplug before.

>>> import libkplug INFO Initializing plugin architecture INFO Plugin Init: (), {}
>>> import plugins.plugin_helloworld INFO Registering Plugin id: HelloWorldPlugin from class: <class 'plugins.plugin_helloworld.HelloWorldPlugin'> 

Plugin Static Methods

Static methods work as expected, and do not require instantiation of the plugin, it only needs to be loaded to work.

>>> import libkplug
>>> import plugins.plugin_helloworld
>>> libkplug.plugin_registry('HelloWorldPlugin').hello_world()
'Hello World'

Plugin Instantiation

Instantiation is done by determining the class, and then passing in kwargs to the constructor as usual.

>>> import libkplug
>>> import plugins.plugin_helloworld
>>> # read the class
>>> clazz = libkplug.plugin_registry('HelloWorldPlugin')
>>> # instantiate with kwargs
>>> myinst = clazz(key1=1, keyN='N')


KSettings is designed to load yaml files, set defaults, and initialize plugins listed in PLUGINS.

IMPORTANT: KSettings is "global", so once instantiated with "defaults" and or a config, any other part of the application can import KSettings and access previously set values without reloading the config or redefining defaults. That said you might want to use namespaced defaults if plugins need to declare defaults.

Example of separate instances "sharing" config

>>> import libksettings
>>> settings1 = libksettings.KSettings(A='a', b=1, c=True, PLUGINS=[], load_yaml=False)
>>> settings2 = libksettings.KSettings(load_yaml=False)
>>> settings1.A == settings2.A

Example if separate instances declaring new defaults

>>> import libksettings
>>> foo_settings = libksettings.KSettings(A='a', b=1, c=True, PLUGINS=[], load_yaml=False, FOO_DEFAULT="foo")
>>> bar_settings = libksettings.KSettings(A='a', b=1, c=True, PLUGINS=[], load_yaml=False, BAR_DEFAULT="bar")
>>> foo_settings.BAR_DEFAULT

When KSettings is instantiated, it will use all kwargs as 'default' initial values, then load the yaml file, overriding any defaults, finally it loads the Plugins, and returns a instance of itself.

Example initializing without config file, setting some defaults, and not loading plugins,

>>> from libksettings import KSettings
>>> settings = KSettings(A='a', b=1, c=True, PLUGINS=[], load_yaml=False)
>>> settings.A
>>> settings.B

Example initializing with DEFAULTS and named config file, and default plugins

>>> from libksettings import KSettings
>>> settings = KSettings(config_filename='/tmp/config.yaml' A='a', b=1, c=True, PLUGINS=['plugins.plugin_helloworld'])
>>> settings.A
>>> settings.B
>>> settings.SOME_YAML_KEY

Example initializing with DEFAULTS and named config file from env var

>>> import os
>>> from libksettings import KSettings
>>> os.environ.setdefault('MY_CONF', '/tmp/other.yaml')
>>> settings = KSettings(config_filename_envvar='MY_CONF' A='a', b=1, c=True, PLUGINS=['plugins.plugin_helloworld'])
>>> settings.A
>>> settings.B

Example initializing with config search locations

>>> import os
>>> from libksettings import KSettings
>>> os.environ.setdefault('MY_CONF', '/tmp/other.yaml')
>>> settings = KSettings(config_filename='myconf.ysml', config_load_locations=["/opt/mysvc", "/etc/mysvc"], A='a', b=1, c=True, PLUGINS=['plugins.plugin_helloworld'])
>>> settings.A
>>> settings.B


    libkplug, a plugin system for python applications

    Copyright (C) 2013 Kegan Holtzhausen

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.