
Monocular 3D pose Estimation on Laboratory Animals

pip install liftpose==0.21


Note: We're currently working on a significant update of the code for revisions. It should be released in the next few weeks. Please be patient and get in touch if you have questions.


The tool for transforming 2D keypoints from a single viewpoint to 3D coordinates using deep neural networks.

For the theoretical background and for more details on the following examples have a look at our paper: LiftPose3D, a deep learning-based approach for transforming 2D to 3D pose in laboratory experiments

Don't forget to cite us if you find our work useful:

  author    = {Adam Gosztolai and
               Semih Günel and
               Marco Pietro Abrate and
               Daniel Morales and 
               Victor Lobato Rios and
               Helge Rhodin and
               PascalFua and
               Pavan Ramdya},
  title     = {LiftPose3D, a deep learning-based approach for transforming 2D to 3D pose in laboratory experiments},
  bookTitle = {bioRxiv},
  year      = {2020}

There are only a few steps you should follow to use our code.

Data format

Ensure that you provide your data as a Python dictionary and saved as a pickle file. Our code uses the following dictionary keys:

1. 3D poses: This is the ground truth and it is mandatory if you want to train a network.

'points3d': a numpy array of dimension AxBx3 containing the 3D coordinates in a global reference frame, where A is the number of frames, B is the number of keypoints and the last 3 dimensionss are the x, y, z coordinates.

2. 2D poses: These are typically 2D pose predictions from markerless pose estimation software (DeepFly3D, DeepLabCut, DeepPoseKit etc.). If you use this key, follow example I for more details. If you do not use this key, the 2D poses will need to be found by projection in order to train the network. See examples II for more details. If you want to use a pretrained network for prediction, you only need this key. See examples III for details.

'points2d': a numpy array of dimension CxAxBx2 containing the 2D coordinates in camera centric reference frame, where C is the number of cameras and A, B as before.

3. Keypoints to be used for training: If you use this key, you can specify which dimensions at every frame are used for training. See example II for more details.

'good_keypts': boolean array of dimension AxBx3, where an entry 1 means that the coordinate is to be used for training, 0 means it is to be ommitted from training.

4. Camera parameters: parameters of cameras used during training. If this is not used, then projections will be onto the Cartesian axes. See examples II.

n (where n is the camera number): a dictionary with keys 'R' (3x3 rotation matrix), 'tvec' (1x3 translation vector), 'vis' (1x#number of dimensions boolean vector of visible points from camera n)

Refer to files in /sample data folder for examples.

Configuration file

To run the pipeline, the following parameters need to be defined in a file named params.yaml, or similar.


  • data_dir: folder to load data from (e.g., '/data/LiftPose3D/fly_ventral_highres/network/')
  • in_dim: input dimension (typically 2)
  • out_dim: output dimension (typically 1 - depth only - or 3 - full 3D)
  • target_sets: dependent keypoints to compute relative to a root (e.g., [[ 1, 2, 3, 4], [6, 7, 8, 9]])
  • roots: root points (e.g., [0, 5], length must equal to the length of target_sets)


  • train_subjects: individuals used for training (string to seach for in filenames)
  • test_subjects: individuals used for testing (string to seach for in filenames)
  • actions: behaviors used (string to seach for in filenames)
  • template_dir: '/data/LiftPose3D/fly_ventral_highres/network/'
  • interval: interval of frames to consider (e.g., [400,800])
  • dims_to_exclude: keypoint dimensions to ignore in dataset (e.g., [4,7,8])


Every example below contains preprocessing as the first step. If you want to train a network, preprocessing needs to contain the following operations (1) load 3D data - output, (2) load 2D data or project 3D data - input, (3, optional) transform from 3D points in world to camera axes - when using multiple cameras, (4) compute the the distance of dependent points (target_sets) from root points (roots), (5) standardize, (6) remove roots.

You can use or modify one of our existing scripts in the example folders.

To run preprocessing in the following, execute your

python params.yaml.

Network training

After preprocessing, you are ready for training and testing your network or you can just use a pre-trained network for prediction.

To train a network, run

python --data_dir /directory_to_save_output --out /directory_to_save_output

This will output a ckpt_best.pth.tar (lowest error network) as well as a log_train.txt (a log file containing errors during the training)

To test the network, run

python --data_dir /directory_to_save_output --out /directory_to_save_output --test --load /directory_to_save_output/ckpt_best.pth.tar

The output will be saved as test_results.pth.tar.

To predict using a pre-trained network (when you don't have a training dataset), run

python --data_dir /directory_to_save_output --out /directory_to_save_output --predict --load /directory_to_save_output/ckpt_best.pth.tar

The output will be saved as test_results.pth.tar.

To add a Gaussian noise during training add --noise 3, where 3 is the standard deviation of the noise. This can be used to scale the resolution of the network, see examples III for mode details.

Refer to /src/ for more options.


To reproduce our results in the following examples, the provided Python scripts must be run in order as numbered.

I. Reducing the number of cameras needed for full 3D pose estimation

The relevant code is under the folder /examples/fly_tether and /examples/monkey.

II. Predicting 3D pose in freely behaving animals with occluded keypoints

The relevant code is under the folder /examples/fly_prism and /examples/mouse_prism.

You can ignore 1-2 and use our data directly.

  1. 1_crop_raw_images - this script makes cropped images centred around the moving fly. Images where the fly is starionary are excluded. The location of each crop is saved.
  2. 2_DLC_lateral.ipynb and 2_DLC_ventral.ipynb - jupyter notebooks used to create DeepLabCut annotations for the ventral and lateral camera views.
  3. 3_select_good_predictions.ipynb - this jupyter notebook selects high quality predictions for training and testing. Check out the options inside the notebook.
  4. 4_DLC_make_video.ipynb - makes video of the DeepLabCut predictions

The rest of the scripts follow the same protocol as in the above example. 1

III. Using domain adaptation to lift new experimental data where triangulation is impossible

The relevant code is under the folder ```/examples/fly_ventral_highres``` and ```/examples/fly_ventral_lowres```.
  1. 1_DLC_to_LiftPose3D.ipynb - converts DeepLabCut predictions into LiftPose3D format and aligns the flies as in examples II. Importantly, it performs a rescaling to match the scales between the prism-mirror and the ventral camera datasets. This step is crucial and may need to be adjusted manually to get a good alignment of the datasets.

  2. - this preprocessing is slightly different from before because it uses the statistics of the prism-mirror setup to normalize the data.

  3. Train a network using the prism-mirror dataset. When training for the low resolution dataset, use the option --noise 4, to add a Gaussian noise with standard deviation 4 during training. Adding this option is essential to coarse-grain our network to work with data that has lower resolution than the training dataset. As a rule of thumb, std should be equal to the ratio between the high and low resolution datasets. For example, our training data is at 112 px/mm and out test data is at 28 px/mm to std should be at least 4.
    Example: in /examples/fly_prism run python --data_dir /data/LiftPose3D/fly_prism/ --out /data/LiftPose3D/fly_ventral_lowres/ --noise 4 --epochs 500

  4. Predict the 3D points using the trained network.
    Example: in /examples/fly_prism run python --data_dir /data/LiftPose3D/fly_ventral_lowres/ --out /data/LiftPose3D/fly_ventral_lowres/ --predict --load /data/LiftPose3D/fly_ventral_lowres/ckpt_best.pth.tar