This package contains the [LinShare]( "Open Source secure files sharing application") command line interface.
This module contains two scripts :
linsharecli : the user cli.
You can use this script to upload, download or delete documents stored in LinShare.
linshareadmcli : the admin cli.
This script let you configure LinShare server through the command line. Domains, ldap connections, functionnalities, and more can be displayed or updated through this tool.
You can install this module using : pip install linsharecli
QuickStart :
$ --user myuser --host -P password documents list
If you want to use a configuration file to preset the server, your login or some addditional parameters, you can generate the default configuration file like this :
$ linsharecli-config generate
or for the admin script:
$ linshareadmcli-config generate
The configuration file, by default ~/.linshare-cli.cfg will contains a section called "server" :
# Attribute (str) : HOST
Each lines which begins with "#" or ";" are comments. "str" is the type of data we are expecting, str for string, bool for boolean (true, false) or int for integer. Every optional attributes, like host, are prefixed by ";". Mandatory attributes are not prefixed.
Advanced usage :
You can have multiple configuration using multiple sections, ex:
# Attribute (str) : HOST
The you can use it through the -s option:
$ linshareadmcli -s my-second-config domains list
You can also list all available configurations using:
$ linshareadmcli list