Symmetric cryptography module

python, encryption, decryption, cryptography, python38, symmetric-cryptography, symmetric-key-cryptography
pip install listcrypt==1.0.1



Symmetric cryptographic algorithm built in python3.8

( ListCrypt is NOT intended for production use )

Example Use

>>> from listcrypt import encrypt,decrypt
>>> key = "example key"
>>> data = "testing 1.. 2.. 3.." 
>>> e = encrypt(key, data)
>>> print(e)
b'AV#\x18t*\x12\x1c@\x01\x1b%U4k>M*w z\x7f\x17]afh\x07 \x04'
>>> d = decrypt(key, e)
>>> print(d)
testing 1.. 2.. 3..

Easily Encrypt and Decrypt Files with the 'encrypt_file' and 'decrypt_file' Functions

>>> from listcrypt import encrypt_file, decrypt_file
>>> file_name = "file.txt"
>>> key = "example key"
>>> encrypt_file(key, path)
>>> decrypt_file(key, path)


    sha256(data: str) -> str:
        Simple hashing function, utilizes the builtin hashlib module

    data_verification(key:str, data:str) -> bool:
        Verifies that your data will be encrypted and decrypted without error

    convert_data(key:str, data:'any data type') -> str and str:
        Converts the data to a string format for encryption

    convert_data_back(metadata: list) -> any
        Converts the data back to its origional type as given by the 'origional_data_type' parameter
        in the 'metadata' list.  This is built to work seamlessly with the 'convert_data' function.

    range_finder(data:str or bytes) -> int:
        Finds the character with the largest integer equivalent in your data

    create_key(key:str, data_length:int) -> bytes
        Uses the sha256 hash of the 'key' parameter to create and concatenate more keys (based upon the origional) to a new
        key variable that is either the same size as or slighty larger than the length of the data

    segment_data(data:str, segments:int) -> list
        Splits the data evenly amongst the amount of 'segments' required

	pull_metadata(key:str, data:bytes) -> dict
		Pulls metadata from the encrypted bytes and puts it in a dictionary for easy readibility

    encrypt(key:'any data type', data:'any data type', processes=cpu_count()) -> bytes
        Encrypts the data by adding each characters integer equivalent to the integer equivalent of the character in
        the same position in the new key variable generated by the 'key parameter'

        Nested Function:
            multiprocess_decryption(data:str, segment:int, shared_dictionary:dict) -> bool
                Takes chuncks of data and adds them to a shared dictionary,
                with the keys being the segments origional position for concatenation
                after encryption

    decrypt(key:"any data type", encrypted_data:bytes, processes=cpu_count()) -> "origional data"
        Encrypts the data by adding each characters integer equivalent to the integer equivalent of the character in
        the same position in the new key variable generated by the 'key parameter'

            multiprocess_encryption(data:str, segment:int, shared_dictionary:dict) -> bool
                Takes chuncks of data and adds them to a shared dictionary,
                with the keys being the segments origional position for concatenation
                after decryption

    remove_image_exif(path:str) -> bool
        Removes the metadata from the provided image, which may cause
        unwanted effects like image rotating, but will reduce the file size greatly

    encrypt_file(key:str, path:str, metadata_removal=True) -> bool
        This function enables the easy encryption of files

    decrypt_file(key:str, path:str) -> bool
        This function enables the easy decryption of files