
python collections except its all backed by sqlite

sqlite, collections, persistent, performance, scale, datascience, acid, database
pip install litecollections==2022.5.15.5



Python collections and common container types, except its all backed by SQLite.

This library can be useful for:

  • large scale data operations that can utilize your disk capacity instead of needing to squeeze everything in ram
  • zero learning curve if you know how to use stdlib data types
  • data crunching in extremely low RAM environments

To Install

pip install litecollections

If you want test utilities included, set the environment variable $TEST_TOOLS to 1 like the following.

TEST_TOOLS=1 pip install litecollections

The Data Types

stdlib equivalent litecollections alternative
dict LiteDict
list Coming Soon
set Coming Soon
collections.namedtuple Coming Soon
collections.deque Coming Soon
collections.Counter Coming Soon
collections.OrderedDict Coming Soon
collections.defaultdict Coming Soon
queue.Queue Coming Soon
queue.LifoQueue Coming Soon
queue.PriorityQueue Coming Soon
queue.SimpleQueue Coming Soon
array.ArrayType Coming Soon
graphlib.TopologicalSorter Coming Soon