
Simple python ORM micro-framework for sqlite3

pip install litesimple==0.1.0



Litesimple is a simple ORM micro-library for sqlite3. It offers mapping between attributes (or fields as it's named here) to table columns with conversion support from different formats, querying, saving and other simple task.

Installation and dependencies

To install litesimple, either run pip install litesimple or download directly in your browser or with wget.

Litesimple has no dependancy requirements other than is included in the Python Standard Library.


First create your models:

from litesimple import Model, FieldInteger, FieldText, FieldDateTime

class car(Model):
    id = FieldInteger(is_key=True)
    text = FieldText()
    time_created = FieldDateTime(auto_now_add=True)
    time_updated = FieldDateTime(auto_now=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return "car (%s)" % self.make

Then play with it:

>>> from models import car
>>> car(make="Opel").save()
>>> car(make="Hyundai").save()
>>> car(make="BMW").save()
>>> print car.get(1)
car (Opel)
>>> for x in car.filter(): print x
car (Opel)
car (Hyundai)
car (BMW)
>>> c = car.get(2)
>>> print c
car (Hyundai)
>>> c = car.get(id=2)
>>> print c
car (Hyundai)
>>> c.delete()
>>> for x in car.filter(): print x
car (Opel)
car (BMW)
>>> car.delete(make="Opel")
>>> for x in car.filter(): print x
car (BMW)

That's it.