
Lightweight AI server.

deep, learning, pytorch, AI, api, serving
pip install litserve==0.1.0





High-throughput serving engine for AI models

✅ Batching     ✅ Streaming     ✅ Multi-GPU     ✅ PyTorch/JAX/TF     ✅ Full control     ✅ Auth

Open In Studio

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Lightning AI • Get started • Examples • Features


Deploy AI models Lightning fast âš¡

LitServe is a high-throughput serving engine for deploying AI models at scale. LitServe generates an API endpoint for a model, handles batching, streaming, autoscaling across CPU/GPUs and more.

Why we wrote LitServe:

  1. Work with any model: LLMs, vision, time-series, etc...
  2. We wanted a zero abstraction, minimal, hackable code-base without bloat.
  3. Built for enterprise scale (not demos, etc...).
  4. Easy enough for researchers, scalable and hackable for engineers.
  5. Work on any hardware (GPU/TPU) automatically.
  6. Let you focus on model performance, not the serving boilerplate.

Think of LitServe as PyTorch Lightning for model serving (if you're familiar with Lightning) but supports every framework like PyTorch, JAX, Tensorflow and more.



Explore various examples that show different models deployed with LitServe:

Example description Run
Hello world Hello world model Open In Studio
ANY Hugging face model Deploy any Hugging Face model Open In Studio
Hugging face BERT model Deploy model for tasks like text generation and more Open In Studio
Open AI CLIP Deploy Open AI CLIP (computer vision model) for tasks like image understanding Open In Studio
Open AI Whisper Deploy Open AI Whisper (Audio model) for tasks like speech to text Open In Studio


Install LitServe

Install LitServe via pip:

pip install litserve
Advanced install options  

Install the main branch:

pip install git+


Install from source:

git clone
cd litserve
pip install -e '.[all]'


Get started

LitServe is an inference server for AI/ML models that is minimal and highly scalable.

It has 2 simple, minimal APIs - LitAPI and LitServer.

Implement a server

Here's a hello world example:

Open In Studio
import litserve as ls

class SimpleLitAPI(ls.LitAPI):
    def setup(self, device):
        # Setup the model so it can be called in `predict`.
        self.model = lambda x: x**2

    def decode_request(self, request):
        # Convert the request payload to your model input.
        return request["input"]

    def predict(self, x):
        # Run the model on the input and return the output.
        return self.model(x)

    def encode_response(self, output):
        # Convert the model output to a response payload.
        return {"output": output}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    api = SimpleLitAPI()
    server = ls.LitServer(api, accelerator="gpu")

Now run the server via the command-line


Use the server

LitServe automatically generates a client when it starts. Use this client to test the server:


Or ping the server yourself directly

import requests
response ="", json={"input": 4.0})

The server expects the client to send a POST to the /predict URL with a JSON payload. The way the payload is structured is up to the implementation of the LitAPI subclass.



LitServe supports multiple advanced state-of-the-art features.

Feature description
Accelerators CPU, GPU, Multi-GPU
Model types LLMs, Vision, Time series, any model type...
ML frameworks PyTorch, Jax, Tensorflow, numpy, etc...
Batching ✅
API authentication ✅
Full request/response control ✅
Automatic schema validation ✅
Handle timeouts ✅
Handle disconnects ✅
Streaming in progress...


Our goal is not to jump on every hype train, but instead support features that scale under the most demanding enterprise deployments.

Feature details

Explore each feature in detail:

Automatic schema validation


Define the request and response as Pydantic models, to automatically validate the request.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class PredictRequest(BaseModel):
    input: float

class PredictResponse(BaseModel):
    output: float

class SimpleLitAPI(LitAPI):
    def setup(self, device):
        self.model = lambda x: x**2

    def decode_request(self, request: PredictRequest) -> float:
        return request.input

    def predict(self, x):
        return self.model(x)

    def encode_response(self, output: float) -> PredictResponse:
        return PredictResponse(output=output)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    api = SimpleLitAPI()
    server = LitServer(api, accelerator="cpu")
Serve on GPUs


LitServer has the ability to coordinate serving from multiple GPUs.

For example, running the API server on a 4-GPU machine, with a PyTorch model served by each GPU:

from fastapi import Request, Response

from litserve import LitAPI, LitServer

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

class Linear(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear = nn.Linear(1, 1)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.linear(x)

class SimpleLitAPI(LitAPI):
    def setup(self, device):
        # move the model to the correct device
        # keep track of the device for moving data accordingly
        self.model = Linear().to(device)
        self.device = device

    def decode_request(self, request: Request):
        # get the input and create a 1D tensor on the correct device
        content = request["input"]
        return torch.tensor([content], device=self.device)

    def predict(self, x):
        # the model expects a batch dimension, so create it
        return self.model(x[None, :])

    def encode_response(self, output) -> Response:
        # float will take the output value directly onto CPU memory
        return {"output": float(output)}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # accelerator="cuda", devices=4 will lead to 4 workers serving the
    # model from "cuda:0", "cuda:1", "cuda:2", "cuda:3" respectively
    server = LitServer(SimpleLitAPI(), accelerator="cuda", devices=4)

The devices variable can also be an array specifying what device id to run the model on:

server = LitServer(SimpleLitAPI(), accelerator="cuda", devices=[0, 3])

Last, you can run multiple copies of the same model from the same device, if the model is small. The following will load two copies of the model on each of the 4 GPUs:

server = LitServer(SimpleLitAPI(), accelerator="cuda", devices=4, workers_per_device=2)
Timeouts and disconnections


The server will remove a queued request if the client requesting it disconnects.

You can configure a timeout (in seconds) after which clients will receive a 504 HTTP response (Gateway Timeout) indicating that their request has timed out.

For example, this is how you can configure the server with a timeout of 30 seconds per response.

server = LitServer(SimpleLitAPI(), accelerator="cuda", devices=4, timeout=30)

This is useful to avoid requests queuing up beyond the ability of the server to respond.

Use API key authentication


In order to secure the API behind an API key, just define the env var when starting the server

LIT_SERVER_API_KEY=supersecretkey python

Clients are expected to auth with the same API key set in the X-API-Key HTTP header.



LitServe is a community project accepting contributions. Let's make the world's most advanced AI inference engine.

Run Tests

Use pytest to run tests locally.

First, install test dependencies:

pip install -r _requirements/test.txt

Run the tests

pytest tests


litserve is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE file for details. Then, run pytest in your terminal as follows: