
This package provides real-time information about available parking spaces in car parks and park & ride sites around Norwich.

parking, parking-spaces, park-and-ride, Norwich
pip install live-parking-norwich==0.0.2


Live car parking spaces in Norwich, UK

This package provides real-time information about available parking spaces in car parks and park & ride sites around Norwich. The data is sourced from an XML feed which is maintained by Norfolk County Council and refreshed every 5 minutes.

Car park


python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install live_parking_norwich


from live_parking_norwich import LiveParkingNorwich

# Create new Usage object
usage = LiveParkingNorwich()

# Returns a list of CarPark objects
car_parks = usage.refresh()

# Check for success
if usage.success:

    print(f"Last updated: {usage.last_updated}")

    # Iterate through each CarPark object
    for car_park in car_parks:

        print(f"{car_park.code} | {}")
        print(f"{car_park.occupancy}% full | {car_park.status}")
        print(f"{car_park.occupied_spaces} used")
        print(f"{car_park.remaining_spaces} remaining")
        print(f"{car_park.total_capacity} in total")


Last updated: 2024-02-18 15:37:24
CPN0017 | Chantry Place, Chapelfield Road,
53.0% full | enoughSpacesAvailable
520 used
455 remaining
975 in total
CPN0016 | ThickThorn, Norwich Road, Norwich
4.0% full | enoughSpacesAvailable
33 used
693 remaining
726 in total
CPN0015 | Harford, Ipswich Road, Norwich
0.0% full | carParkClosed
0 used
798 remaining
798 in total

CarPark attributes

Attribute Type
code String
name String
occupancy String
status String
occupied_spaces Integer
remaining_spaces Integer
total_capacity Integer

CarPark.status values

Status Description
carParkClosed The specified car park is closed.
allCarParksFull All car parks are full within a specified area.
carParkFacilityFaulty The specified car parking facility is not operating normally.
carParkFull A specified car park is completely occupied.
carParkStatusUnknown The status of the specified car park(s) is unknown.
enoughSpacesAvailable Specified car parks have car-parking spaces available.
multiStoryCarParksFull Multi level car parks are fully occupied.
noMoreParkingSpacesAvailable Specified car parks are fully occupied.
noParkAndRideInformation No park and ride information will be available until the specified time.
noParkingAllowed No parking allowed until the specified time.
noParkingInformationAvailable Car parking information is not available until a specified time.
normalParkingRestrictionsLifted The parking restrictions that normally apply in the specified location have been temporarily lifted.
onlyAFewSpacesAvailable Specified car parks have 95% or greater occupancy.
parkAndRideServiceNotOperating Park and ride services are not operating until the specified time.
parkAndRideServiceOperating Park and ride services are operating until the specified time.
specialParkingRestrictionsInForce Parking restrictions, other than those that normally apply, are in force in a specified area.


Open Government Licence