
Pointwise, Listwise, Pairwise and Setwise Document Ranking with Large Language Models.

pip install llm-rankers==0.0.1



Pointwise, Listwise, Pairwise and Setwise Document Ranking with Large Language Models.

Note: The current code base only supports T5-style open-source LLMs, and OpenAI APIs for several methods. We are in the process of implementing support for more LLMs.


Git clone this repository, then pip install the following libraries:


Note the code base is tested with python=3.9 conda environment. You may also need to install some pyserini dependencies such as faiss. We refer to pyserini installation doc link

First-stage runs

We use LLMs to re-rank top documents retrieved by a first-stage retriever. In this repo we take BM25 as the retriever.

We rely on pyserini IR toolkit to get BM25 ranking.

Here is an example of using pyserini command lines to generate BM25 run files on TREC DL 2019:

python -m pyserini.search.lucene \
  --threads 16 --batch-size 128 \
  --index msmarco-v1-passage \
  --topics dl19-passage \
  --output run.msmarco-v1-passage.bm25-default.dl19.txt \
  --bm25 --k1 0.9 --b 0.4

To evaluate NDCG@10 scores of BM25:

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 dl19-passage \
ndcg_cut_10           	all	0.5058

You can find the command line examples for full TREC DL datasets here.

Similarly, you can find command lines for obtaining BM25 results on BEIR datasets here.

In this repository, we use DL 2019 as an example. That is, we always re-rank run.msmarco-v1-passage.bm25-default.dl19.txt with LLMs.

Prompting Methods for zero-shot document ranking with LLMs

Python code example:

from rankers.setwise import SetwiseLlmRanker
from rankers.rankers import SearchResult

docs = [SearchResult(docid=i, text=f'this is passage {i}', score=None) for i in range(100)]
query = 'Give me passage 34'

ranker = SetwiseLlmRanker(model_name_or_path='google/flan-t5-large',

print(ranker.rerank(query, docs)[0])

Command lines examples:

Pointwise We have two pointwise methods implemented so far:

yes_no: LLMs are prompted to generate whether the provided candidate document is relevant to the query. Candidate documents are re-ranked based on the normalized likelihood of generating a "yes" response.

qlm: Query Likelihood Modelling (QLM), LLMs are prompted to produce a relevant query for each candidate document. The documents are then re-ranked based on the likelihood of generating the given query. [1]

These methods rely on access to the model output logits to compute relevance scores.

Command line example:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 run.py \
  run --model_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --tokenizer_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --run_path run.msmarco-v1-passage.bm25-default.dl19.txt \
      --save_path run.pointwise.yes_no.txt \
      --ir_dataset_name msmarco-passage/trec-dl-2019 \
      --hits 100 \
      --query_length 32 \
      --passage_length 128 \
      --device cuda \
  pointwise --method yes_no \
            --batch_size 32
# evaluation
python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 dl19-passage \
ndcg_cut_10             all     0.6544

Change --method yes_no to --method qlm for QLM pointwise ranking. You can also set larger --batch_size that you gpu can afford for faster inference.

We also have implemented supervised monoT5 pointwise re-ranker. Simply set --model_name_or_path and --tokenizer_name_or_path to castorini/monot5-3b-msmarco, or other monoT5 models listed in here.


Our implementation of listwise approach is following RankGPT [2]. It uses a sliding window sorting algorithm to re-rank documents.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 run.py \
  run --model_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --tokenizer_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --run_path run.msmarco-v1-passage.bm25-default.dl19.txt \
      --save_path run.liswise.generation.txt \
      --ir_dataset_name msmarco-passage/trec-dl-2019 \
      --hits 100 \
      --query_length 32 \
      --passage_length 100 \
      --scoring generation \
      --device cuda \
  listwise --window_size 4 \
           --step_size 2 \
           --num_repeat 5
# evaluation
python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 dl19-passage \
ndcg_cut_10             all     0.5612

Use --window_size, --step_size and --num_repeat to configure sliding window process.

We also provide Openai API implementation, simply do:

python3 run.py \
  run --model_name_or_path gpt-3.5-turbo \
      --openai_key [your key] \
      --run_path run.msmarco-v1-passage.bm25-default.dl19.txt \
      --save_path run.iswise.generation.openai.txt \
      --ir_dataset_name msmarco-passage/trec-dl-2019 \
      --hits 100 \
      --query_length 32 \
      --passage_length 100 \
      --scoring generation \
  listwise --window_size 4 \
           --step_size 2 \
           --num_repeat 5

The above two listwise runs are relying on LLM generated tokens to do the sliding window. However, if we have local model, for example flan-t5, we can use Setwise prompting proposed in our paper [3] to estimate the likehood of document rankings to do the sliding window:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 run.py \
  run --model_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --tokenizer_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --run_path run.msmarco-v1-passage.bm25-default.dl19.txt \
      --save_path run.liswise.likelihood.txt \
      --ir_dataset_name msmarco-passage/trec-dl-2019 \
      --hits 100 \
      --query_length 32 \
      --passage_length 100 \
      --scoring likelihood \
      --device cuda \
  listwise --window_size 4 \
           --step_size 2 \
           --num_repeat 5
# evaluation
python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 dl19-passage \
ndcg_cut_10             all     0.6691
Pairwise We implement Pairwise prompting method proposed in [4].
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 run.py \
  run --model_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --tokenizer_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --run_path run.msmarco-v1-passage.bm25-default.dl19.txt \
      --save_path run.pairwise.heapsort.txt \
      --ir_dataset_name msmarco-passage/trec-dl-2019 \
      --hits 100 \
      --query_length 32 \
      --passage_length 128 \
      --scoring generation \
      --device cuda \
  pairwise --method heapsort \
           --k 10
# evaluation
python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 dl19-passage \
ndcg_cut_10             all     0.6571

--method heapsort does pairwise inferences with heap sort algorithm. Change to --method bubblesort for bubble sort algorithm. You can set --method allpair for comparing all possible pairs. In this case you can set --batch_size for batching inference. But allpair is very expensive.

We also have supervised duoT5 pairwise ranking model implemented. Simply set --model_name_or_path and --tokenizer_name_or_path to castorini/duot5-3b-msmarco, or other duoT5 models listed in here.


Our proposed Setwise prompting can considerably speed up the sorting-based Pairwise methods. Check our paper here for more details.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 run.py \
  run --model_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --tokenizer_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --run_path run.msmarco-v1-passage.bm25-default.dl19.txt \
      --save_path run.setwise.heapsort.txt \
      --ir_dataset_name msmarco-passage/trec-dl-2019 \
      --hits 100 \
      --query_length 32 \
      --passage_length 128 \
      --scoring generation \
      --device cuda \
  setwise --num_child 2 \
          --method heapsort \
          --k 10
# evaluation
python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 dl19-passage \
ndcg_cut_10             all     0.6697

--num_child 2 means comparing two child node documents + one parent node document = 3 documents in total to compare in the prompt. increasing --num_child will give more efficiency gain, but you may need to truncate documents more by setting a small --passage_length, otherwise prompt may exceed input limitation. You can also set --scoring likelihood for faster inference.

We also have Openai API implementation for Setwise method:

python3 run.py \
  run --model_name_or_path gpt-3.5-turbo \
      --openai_key [your key] \
      --run_path run.msmarco-v1-passage.bm25-default.dl19.txt \
      --save_path run.setwise.heapsort.openai.txt \
      --ir_dataset_name msmarco-passage/trec-dl-2019 \
      --hits 100 \
      --query_length 32 \
      --passage_length 128 \
      --scoring generation \
  setwise --num_child 2 \
          --method heapsort \
          --k 10
BEIR experiments

For BEIR datasets experiments, change --ir_dataset_name to --pyserini_index with pyserini pre-build index.

For example:

DATASET=trec-covid # change to: trec-covid robust04 webis-touche2020 scifact signal1m trec-news dbpedia-entity nfcorpus for other experiments in the paper.

# Get BM25 first stage results
python -m pyserini.search.lucene \
  --index beir-v1.0.0-${DATASET}.flat \
  --topics beir-v1.0.0-${DATASET}-test \
  --output run.bm25.${DATASET}.txt \
  --output-format trec \
  --batch 36 --threads 12 \
  --hits 1000 --bm25 --remove-query

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval \
  -c -m ndcg_cut.10 beir-v1.0.0-${DATASET}-test \

ndcg_cut_10             all     0.5947

# Setwise with heapsort
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 run.py \
  run --model_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --tokenizer_name_or_path google/flan-t5-large \
      --run_path run.bm25.${DATASET}.txt \
      --save_path run.setwise.heapsort.${DATASET}.txt \
      --pyserini_index beir-v1.0.0-${DATASET} \
      --hits 100 \
      --query_length 32 \
      --passage_length 128 \
      --scoring generation \
      --device cuda \
  setwise --num_child 2 \
          --method heapsort \
          --k 10

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval \
  -c -m ndcg_cut.10 beir-v1.0.0-${DATASET}-test \

ndcg_cut_10             all     0.7675

Note: If you remove CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, our code should automatically perform multi-GPU inference, but we may observe slight changes in the NDCG@10 scores


[1] Devendra Sachan, Mike Lewis, Mandar Joshi, Armen Aghajanyan, Wen-tau Yih, Joelle Pineau, and Luke Zettlemoyer. 2022. Improving Passage Retrieval with Zero-Shot Question Generation

[2] Weiwei Sun,Lingyong Yan,Xinyu Ma,Pengjie Ren,Dawei Yin,and Zhaochun Ren. 2023. Is ChatGPT Good at Search?

[3] Shengyao Zhuang, Honglei Zhuang, Bevan Koopman, and Guido Zuccon. 2023. A Setwise Approach for Effective and Highly Efficient Zero-shot Ranking with Large Language Models

[4] Zhen Qin, Rolf Jagerman, Kai Hui, Honglei Zhuang, Junru Wu, Jiaming Shen, Tianqi Liu, Jialu Liu, Donald Metzler, Xuanhui Wang, and Michael Bendersky. 2023. Large language models are effective text rankers with pairwise ranking prompting

If you used our code for your research, please consider to cite our paper:

  title={A Setwise Approach for Effective and Highly Efficient Zero-shot Ranking with Large Language Models},
  author={Zhuang, Shengyao and Zhuang, Honglei and Koopman, Bevan and Zuccon, Guido},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.09497},