
PyTestUI commands for Loadero scripts

pip install loadero-py-testui-commands==1.1.0


loadero-py-testui-commands PyPI - Version


Installation is as simple as adding this line to your requirements.txt (or equivalent) file.


After which you will be able to install all of the dependencies using pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt

The latest tag always will be the most up-to-date version when compared to the commands used in the Loadero environment.


These Py-TestUI custom commands were made to simplify local script development for usage in the Loadero environment. By using these commands, you can write your Loadero script locally and then upload it to Loadero. This also allows for more rapid development because the script can be debugged and run locally.

To use the commands in your tests, you need to download this dependency to your project (as shown in above) and then only import the functions in your script file. Keep in mind, that when migrating the script to Loadero, you do not need to import the functions there as-well, that will be done automatically.

This is how you can import the functions in your script file:

from commands.receive_email import gen_email, receive_email
from commands.ignore_alert import ignore_alert
from commands.set_file import set_file
from commands.set_request_header import set_request_header
from commands.set_user_agent import set_user_agent
from commands.time_execution import time_execution
from commands.update_network import update_network
from commands.wait_for_download_finished import wait_for_download_finished

After which they can be used in your script file as any other function. Script example:

def test_on_loadero(driver: TestUIDriver):
    really_long_pause = 300

    def locate_search_bar():
            driver, "css", "#searchbox_input"
        ).wait_until_visible().send_keys("QA Processes")
        e(driver, "css", "[aria-label='Search']").wait_until_visible().click()
        e(driver, "css", "#r1-0 > div > h2").wait_until_visible()

    # Example of timing execution without specifying a timeout.
    time_execution("locate_search_bar", locate_search_bar)

Not all commands behave the same way as they do in the Loadero environment. Some of them are modified to work in a local environment, such as update_network and set_request_header.


The following table shows all available commands and whether there are any changes to how they function in a local environment.

Full descriptions for how each function behaves in Loadero and their usage can be found in Loadero wiki page. To see the differences between local and Loadero environment, you can compare the descriptions in the wiki to the differences mentioned in this README.

Command Differences
gen_email Full email or only first part can be provided, if only the first part is provided then @mailinator.com is appended
ignore_alert No differences
receive_email By default an empty array will be returned, but emails.json file can be saved in the working directory which will contain all of the emails
set_file Any local file can be used, Loadero constant can be used if the same file name is used
set_request_header No request header will be set
set_user_agent User agent won't be changed
time_execution Execution time will be logged, but not saved
update_network Network settings will not be updated
wait_for_download_finished Function will finish instantly and not wait for download to be finished

The emails.json file should be located in the directory from which you will be running the tests and should have the following structure:

  "emails": [
      "from": "email_from",
      "to": "email_to",
      "headers": {
        "header1": "header_value"
      "subject": "email_subject",
      "text/html": "html body",
      "text/plain": "plain text body"

To simulate a more realistic environment, you can modify the emails.json file mid-run to add additional emails to the array. The file will be read every time the receive_email command is called.