Basic components for the development of loducode s.a.s.
pip install loducode_utils==1.5.9
- AuditAdmin
- AuditStackedInline
- AuditTabularInline
- Audit
- City
- send_mail_task(email, subject, message)
- slack_send_message_task(channel: str, message: str, id_user: str = '')
Urls Api
- /api/token/
- /api/logout/
- /api/forget/
- PaginatedListView
- slack_send_message
Views api
- ObtainCustomAuthToken
- LogoutView
- ForgetPasswordView
python sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload --repository pypi dist/loducode_utils-1.5.9*
entrar a la carpeta loducode_utils y correr
- django-admin makemessages
- django-admin compilemessages
- generate migrations
- add support for django 5
- fix method _id in the base model if not exist
- fix method _id in the base model if not exist
- add method _id in the base model and _id in the admin read_only
- update dependecies
- new field in city > icon
- bug migrations
- serializer audit
- serializer cities
- return slack task json bug
- return slack task json
- requirement slackclient bug
- requirement slack
- new tash send message slack
- new method send message slack
- new schema of migrations.
- change models
- implment get_user_model()
- Migration 0004
- Migration 0003
- uuid for audit
- support for user customs
- new field in city > active
- Migration 0002
- Import export cities
- Change translate state for departament
- bug save user in save model audit
- add locale es-en
- bug _ translate
- add
- change translation model payment record
- new view data epayco
new model payment record
model city in admin fixxed register
- model city in admin
- migrations initials city