A function to facilitate loading well log data, in las or dlis format, as dataframe.

pip install log2frame==0.1.19



import log2frame

A function to read well log data in LAS, LIS and DLIS formats and extract curves data as DataFrame.

The curves and header data are stored in an instance of Log class, designed to hold this data and operate with it. If multiple log files are read together, the Log instances are packed in a Pack instance, designed to hold Log instances and operate with them.

to read log files

Simply call the function read() with the path or path pattern as argument:

a single log file

To load a single .las, .lis or .dlis file. The function will return a Log instance containing the data:

  • log2frame.read( path_to_file )

several files in a folder

To load several files at once. In this case the read() function will return a Pack instance containing a Log instance for each log file:

  • log2frame.read( path_to_folder_containing_files/*.* ) By default, any invalid file will be ignored, thus, there is no problem to have other files in the same folder as the log files.

several files recursively

To read files recursively in subdirectories, use the appropriate fnmatch pattern:

  • log2frame.read( path_to_folder_containing_files/**/*.* )

further examples and details

Please refer to the Jupyter notebook log2frame_demo for further examples and details on how to use log2frame.
The sample data is publicly available at NLOG.