
A package to auto-generate changelogs from git commits using OpenAI's APIs

pip install logedit==0.1.1



Logedit is a Python utility that auto-generates changelogs from git commits using OpenAI's APIs.


You can install Logedit from PyPI:

pip install logedit

You'll also need to set your OpenAI API key:

export OPENAI_API_KEY='your-api-key-here'


You can specify the version, the path to the changelog file, the AI model, and whether to append the new entry to the original changelog file using the --version, --changelog, --gpt3, and --append arguments, respectively:

logedit --version [current_version] --changelog [changelog_file] --gpt3 --append

The --version parameter can be used to specify both the old and new version in the format old_version:new_version. If only the new version is provided, Logedit will get the most recent version tag in your git repository as the old version. If no new version is provided or "HEAD" is given, GPT-4 will try to infer the new version based on the changes found in the commits.

The --changelog parameter is the path to your CHANGELOG.md file.

The --gpt3 flag can be added to use the GPT-3.5 Turbo model for generating the changelog. If it's not provided, GPT-4 will be used by default.

If --append is provided, the new changelog entry will be automatically appended to the specified changelog file.

If you're generating a changelog for version 0.2 with version 0.1 as the old version and your CHANGELOG.md is in the same directory, you would use the command:

logedit --version 0.1:0.2 --changelog CHANGELOG.md --append

If you only provide the new version 0.2, Logedit will consider the most recent tagged release in your repository as the old version:

logedit --version 0.2 --changelog CHANGELOG.md --append

Shorter aliases -v for version, -c for changelog, -3 for GPT-3, and -a for append are also available:

logedit -v 0.2 -c CHANGELOG.md -3 -a

How it Works

Logedit retrieves all commits between the old and new versions specified. It then uses OpenAI's GPT-4 (or GPT-3.5 Turbo, if specified) to summarize each commit.

Next, it feeds the tail of your current CHANGELOG.md file, the new version (or its best guess if not specified or "HEAD" is provided), and the commit summaries to the selected AI model and generates a changelog entry in the same format as your existing CHANGELOG.md.

If the --append option is used, the new entry is automatically added to your changelog file.

Change Log



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
