
Gui with User/Password requesting and save in base64

pip install login-gui==2.0.0


class User(object): passclass User(object): pass# login_gui It is a Gui Package. In the gui you can specify the user with password. There is a possibility to save the entered data. This is stored in the User Data section of Windows. The class is a singleton and returns the last entered data with every call in the process.

Example code:

from login_gui import MainGui, User

if __name__ == '__main__':
    functions = [
        "test function",
        "test function 1",
        "test function 2",
    print(MainGui(functions, 'My Gui').result)
>>> [1,0,1]
    print(MainGui([], 'My Gui').result)
>>> None
>>> 'user:password'
functions = [
        (True, "test function 0"),
        (False, "test function 1"),
        (True, "test function 2"),

    print(MainGui(functions, 'My Gui').result)
>>> 'user:password'

Example Video:


Development environment

  1. you need python 3.8.5
  2. if you don't have python in windows environment variable, you must add to python absolut path
  3. start CMD in you repo path
  4. build venv folder with environment python for development python -m venv venv
  5. activate python with venv\Scripts\activate.bat
  6. upgrade pip to new version python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  7. install all package for development pip install -r requirements.txt

Tools for Development

  1. For working with python scripts you can use PyCharm
  2. For edit of other files you can use NotePad++

PyCharm plugins

  1. As code analyzer PyLint