
Generate SVG diagrams of a (tech) ecosystem, using logos from each tool organised into groups around a central logo

devops, diagram, diagram-generator, svg, vector-graphics
pip install logo-diagram-generator==0.1.0


Logo Diagram Generator 🎨

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This package, logo-diagram-generator, allows you to generate SVG diagrams that visually represent a technology ecosystem, including tool logos, based on a YAML configuration file. It's designed to help visualize the relationships and categories of tools within a technology stack, making it easier to understand at a glance.

Example Output

Here's an example of a diagram generated using logo-diagram-generator

This is the command used to render it, using one of the example configurations:

docker run -it -v `pwd`:/app beveradb/logo-diagram-generator -c examples/full.example.yml -o examples -n full.example

Example DiagramExample Diagram

Quick Start

  1. Install the Package

    Ensure you have Python and pip installed on your system. Install logo-diagram-generator from PyPI:

    pip install logo-diagram-generator

    🐳 Alternately, use Docker and skip to step 3! 🎉

    docker run -it -v `pwd`:/app beveradb/logo-diagram-generator

    If you use Docker, you don't need to install anything on your system as the tool runs in a container.

  2. Install Graphviz

    This tool uses Graphviz to render the graph, so you need the graphviz binaries installed on your system for this to work.

    Depending whether you're installing in a conda environment, or directly on your Mac or Linux system, one of these commands should be what you need:

    • conda install graphviz
    • brew install graphviz
    • sudo apt-get install graphviz
  3. Prepare Your Configuration

    Create a config.yml file for your own diagram by copying one of the provided examples. examples/minimal.example.yml is a simple one to start with.

    Edit your config file to list all the tools in your ecosystem, with category groupings as you see fit. The minimum viable config would be one central tool and one group:

        name: Kubernetes
        - category: Cluster Management
            - name: Rancher

    See examples/full.example.yml for more configuration examples - these become more relevant when you need to tweak the styles or layout of the diagram after your first run.

  4. Download Logos and Generate Diagram

    With your configuration ready, run the logo-diagram-generator CLI in the same directory as your config.yml file, and it will download logos (with interactive input if it isn't able to find one on the first try) and generate your ecosystem diagram:


    This will download the necessary logos and produce an SVG file named diagram_logos.svg in your current directory.

    For further customization options for paths and output names, use --help to see all available CLI parameters:

    usage: logo-diagram-generator [-h] [-d] [--log_level LOG_LEVEL] [-n NAME] [-c CONFIG] [-l LOGOS_DIR] [-s SKIP_DOWNLOAD] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
    Generate SVG diagrams of a tech ecosystem, using logos from each tool organised into groups around a central logo.
    -h, --help                                       show this help message and exit
    -d, --debug                                      enable debug logging, equivalent to --log_level=debug
    --log_level LOG_LEVEL                            log level, e.g. info, debug, warning (default: info)
    -n NAME, --name NAME                             Base name for the output SVG files.
    -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG                       Path to the configuration file.
    -l LOGOS_DIR, --logos_dir LOGOS_DIR              Directory where logos are stored.
    -s SKIP_DOWNLOAD, --skip_download SKIP_DOWNLOAD  Skip downloading logos before generating.
    -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR           Directory for the output SVG diagram.

Customizing Your Diagram

  • Configuration File: Modify config.yml to add, remove, or categorize tools as needed. Each tool can have a name, label, and optionally an alias or svgURL for custom logo URLs.
  • Logo Download: If the automatic logo download doesn't find a logo for a tool, you can specify the URL interactively or manually place an SVG file in the logos directory. The file name should match the tool's name in the configuration file, in lowercase.
  • Diagram Appearance: The appearance of the generated diagram can be customized by modifying the config.yml file. See the example configs and Graphviz documentation for more info.

Overriding Config

You can override config entries in the config file from the command-line, using the --override parameter.

This is particularly useful if you have a diagram which you want to keep mostly the same but generate multiple slightly different versions of, e.g. a dark themed version:

logo-diagram-generator -c examples/full.example.yml -o examples -n full.example.dark --override 'style.diagramBackgroundColor=#333333' --override 'style.groupLabelFontcolor=#ffffff' --override 'style.colorPalette=aqua,purple3,maroon3,orangered,yellow,lime,fuchsia,#6495ed,peachpuff,forestgreen'

Dark / Light Theme

A common challenge when generating these diagrams is making them work on different background colors.

To help with this, as well as the --override parameter above, there is also a convenient --theme CLI parameter.

There are two options, dark and light, which set the group label text color and line color palette, and add a white or dark grey stroke around every path in every logo, to help those logos be visible on a light or dark background. Examples below:

logo-diagram-generator -c examples/full.example.yml -o examples -n full.example.dark --theme dark

Dark Theme Example Diagram

logo-diagram-generator -c examples/full.example.yml -o examples -n full.example.light --theme light

Light Theme Example Diagram

**⚠️ Warning: ** This approach is not perfect - adding a stroke around paths in the logo SVGs sometimes makes them look awful or totally breaks them!

If you find a specific logo doesn't work with this, you can set strokeWidth: 0 on that tool in the config to disable the stroke for it.


Contributions to improve logo-diagram-generator or add new features are welcome. Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss your ideas.