
Package to find locally optimal routes in route networks

alternative, paths, choice, set, local, optimality, road, network, route
pip install lopaths==0.9.0a7


VeMoMoTo - Vector Movement Modelling Tools

"Vector movement modelling tools" is a collection of python packages aiming to model the movement of invasive species or disease vectors through road networks.

  • The package hybrid_vector_model provides the core functionality for the model.
  • The package lopaths contains an algorithm to identify locally optimal routes in road networks. These routes are in particular a necessary requirement for the hybrid vector model.
  • The package ci_rvm contains an algorithm to identify profile likelihood confidence intervals. This algorithm is in particular used to assess the hybrid vector model
  • The package vemomoto_core provides helpful tools required by the other packages

Please refer to the documentation page for further details.

The packages are licensed under the LGPL-v3. Please report any bugs in the bug tracker. You are welcome to adjust the provided files to your needs and to improve the code. It is encouraged that you share any improvements on the github page if possible.