Benchmark library for testing CouchDB

pip install loveseat==0.0.6



Loveseat, a simple couchdb benchmarking tool, provides you with one-on-one time for you and couchdb.


pip install loveseat


loveseat mysuitefile.json


Suitefiles tell what tests loveseat should run. There are currently three different types of tests: read, all_docs, and view.

Below is a generic template for a suite:

    "suite": "Example Suite",
    "slug": "example_suite",
    "tests": [
            "name": "My test name",
            "test": "read", // (view|read|all_docs)
            "databases": ["http://localhost:5984/commcarehq"] // databases to run tests against
            "params": {}, // Optional params to be appended to couchdb url
            "headers": {}, // Any headers you wish to send along with the request
            "repeat": 100, // Number of times this test is run
            ... // Other args depending on the test

read test

    "name": "My test name",
    "test": "read",
    "databases": ["http://localhost:5984/commcarehq"]
    "params": {},
    "repeat": 100,
    "ids": [] // ids of docs to read

all_docs test

    "name": "My test name",
    "test": "all_docs",
    "databases": ["http://localhost:5984/commcarehq"]
    "params": { // may be prudent to apply params when testing all_docs depending on db size
        startkey: "",
        endkey: ""
    "repeat": 100,

view test

    "name": "My test name",
    "test": "view",
    "databases": ["http://localhost:5984/commcarehq"]
    "params": {},
    "repeat": 100,
    "view": "_design/app_manager/_view/applications" // view to test the database on

You can view an example in tests/data/test_suite.json

Advanced database configuration

Sometimes couch requires some extra parameters to connect to a database. Loveseat allows you to set custom headers and paramters to any database you list. Example:

    "name": "My test name",
    "test": "view",
    "databases": [
        { "url": "http://another/db", "params": {...}, "headers": {...}, "slug": "human name" }
    "params": {},
    "headers": {}

Now loveseat knows to use those parameters when calling that database. Internally loveseat takes the string database parameters and turns them into an object, using the higher level params and headers keys as defaults. So, if you have this structure:

    "name": "My test name",
    "test": "view",
    "databases": [
        { "url": "http://another/db", "headers": { "my": "header" } }
    "params": { "my": "param" },
    "headers": { "other": "header" }

Then the resulting database configuration for http://another/db would be:

    "url": "http://another/db",
    "headers": { "my": "header" },
    "params": { "my": "param" }

This allows you to easily specify multiple databases without have to rewrite a bunch of configuration.


  • More metrics
  • 'write' tests
  • Better test coverage
  • Sensible error handling
  • Weird behavior when sending loads of requests at once