
Adobe Lightroom cloud support

Lightroom, Cloud
pip install lrcloud==0.1.1.post4


Lightroom Cloud Extension

This project extend Adobe Lightroom with cloud support making it possible to access a catalog from different machines safely without corrupting the catalog.

  • Have a catalog file in a shared location, such as a folder in Google Drive, Dropbox, or a NAS, and have lrcloud synchronize the catalog between a local and the shared location.
  • Only synchronizing the changes not the whole catalog
  • Support Smart Previews
  • On-the-fly catalog compression
Current limitations:
  • The paths in the shared catalog are not converted thus a catalog cannot be shared between Window and OSX.
  • No GUI
  • No simultaneous catalog access



Please note that lrcloud is still in beta so backup your catalog frequently :)

$ python -m lrcloud -h
usage: [-h] [--init-push-to-cloud | --init-pull-from-cloud]
                   [--cloud-catalog CLOUD_CATALOG]
                   [--local-catalog LOCAL_CATALOG]
                   [--lightroom-exec LIGHTROOM_EXEC | --lightroom-exec-debug LIGHTROOM_EXEC_DEBUG]
                   [-v] [--no-smart-previews] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]
                   [--diff-cmd DIFF_CMD] [--patch-cmd PATCH_CMD]

Cloud extension to Lightroom

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --init-push-to-cloud  Initiate the local catalog and push it to the cloud
                        (default: False)
                        Download the cloud catalog and initiate a
                        corresponding local catalog (default: False)
  --cloud-catalog CLOUD_CATALOG
                        The cloud/shared catalog file e.g. located in Google
                        Drive or Dropbox (default: None)
  --local-catalog LOCAL_CATALOG
                        The local Lightroom catalog file (default: None)
  --lightroom-exec LIGHTROOM_EXEC
                        The Lightroom executable file (default: None)
  --lightroom-exec-debug LIGHTROOM_EXEC_DEBUG
                        Instead of running Lightroom, append data to the end
                        of the catalog file (default: None)
  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity (default: False)
  --no-smart-previews   Don't Sync Smart Previews (default: False)
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to the configure (.ini) file (default:
  --diff-cmd DIFF_CMD   The command that given two files, $in1 and $in2,
                        produces a diff file $out (default: ./jdiff -f $in1
                        $in2 $out)
  --patch-cmd PATCH_CMD
                        The command that given a file, $in1, and a path,
                        $patch, produces a file $out (default: ./jptch $in1
                        $patch $out)