LumApps SDK is a set of tools to manipulate the LumApps API
This includes:
- A client that support all the routes of the API (located in folder lumapps)
- A set of helper classes to easily manipulate LumApps elements as Python Objects and classes (folder lumapps/helpers)
pip install lumapps-sdk
Python >= 3.8
Set up your OAuth application
Before anything else, you need to set up an OAuth application by following the steps in the LumApps Developer Portal.
Once your application set up, get a hand on its client ID and secret, then you can write the following to get an access token for a particular user.
from lumapps.api import BaseClient token = "MY TOKEN" base_client = BaseClient( api_info={"base_url": ""}, # e.g. "" auth_info={ "client_id": "your-client-id", "client_secret": "your-client-secret" } ) api = base_client.get_new_client_as("", customer_id="your-organization-id")
Make your first API call
Let's display the full name of a registered user in lumapps
usr = api.get_call("user/get", email="") print("Hello {}".format(usr["fullName"]))
The SDK documentation is available here.
Docstring in PEP 484 type annotations format adapted to python 3.x using comments.
Please refer to our contributing guidelines.
LumApps SDK is released under the MIT license.