A C++/Python library to manipulate sheet music data

music, score, sheet, analysis, music-analysis, music-information-retrieval, musicology, sheet-music, symbolic-music
pip install maialib==0.0.1-dev-


Maialib - Music Analysis Library {#mainpage}

Maialib CI/CD

This library is a multiplatform set of musical tools that enable musical score analisys and composition in a easy and fast way.
The project core was wrote in C++17, but it also has a Python wrapper that allows a greater number of people (ie musicians not trained in IT) to also have in their hands the same power and musical tools available in maialib.


  • Easy to use to musicians and musical researchers
  • High computer perfomance and fast calculations
  • Read and write musical scores (MusicXML file format)

Get Python Package

pip install maialib

Or, if you have a older maialib version installed on your system, please get the latest version running: pip install maialib --upgrade

Get Started

You can easily import your sheet music (*.xml file) to Python environment using:

import maialib as ml

myScore = ml.Score('./Beethoven/Symphony_9th.xml')

Now you can explore some maialib features like:

  • Find musical patterns
  • Write your own scores from your custom algorithms
  • Analyse scores in a musical statistical data perspective
  • And much more!

Frequent Asked Questions

1) Where can I find the XML file of a specific musical score?

To import musical scores the file extensions must be: *.xml, *.mxl or *.musicxml
You can easily export your music files to these file formats above from score editors, like:

  • MuseScore (free!)
  • Sibelius
  • Finale
  • Others

Many MusicXML files are avaliable for free in the internet for download.

2) What can I do if I don't have a *.xml file of my target music?

  • First, make shure and look at different websites and online repositories trying to find the *.xml file
  • You can find on the internet the desired MIDI file and import it in a score editor (like MuseScore, Sibelius, Finale, etc.) and then export the MusicXML file from it
  • You can use scan the sheet music paper and get a PDF version of it, so:
    • You can use a OMR software to try to convert the PDF file into a *.xml file
    • You can pay for other people to type manually note-by-note the PDF into a musical software (link MuseScore, Sibelius, Finale, etc.)
  • You can type manually note-by-note the music paper into a musical software (link MuseScore, Sibelius, Finale, etc.)

Documentation (in development)

This project have 2 documentation levels. One for each user type:

  • Level 1 - User documentation: for musicians, musical researchers and non-professional IT people (help me to do that!)
  • Level 2 - Developer documentation: A deeper information for professional C++ programmers (Doxygen)

Level 1: Python Tutorial

You can explore maialib features looking at python-tutorial folder (link here).
There you will learn how to use and mix maialib classes and functions to reach your musical goals If you are starting, please check these 3 basic maialib Python tutorials:

Level 2: Developer Documentation

Maialib Documentation WebSite

VS Code Users

  • You can write your Python scripts using *.py or *.ipynb file extensions.
  • If you decide to use *.ipynb extension, make shure to install nbformat Python package to enable visualize maialib graphs on VS Code editor. To do that: pip install nbformat --upgrade

Would you like to improve any maialib function?

Are you a C++ developer?

Requirements to build from C++ sources:

  • C++17 compatible compiler
  • CMake 3.26
  • Python 3.8
  • Make
  • Doxygen (Optional: To build documentation)
  • Buildcache (Optional: To accelerate the build process)
  • CppCheck (Optional: C++ Static Analyzer)

Are you a Python developer?

Python Dev-only dependencies

pip install pathlib
pip install cpplint
pip install wheel
pip install mypy

# To generate Python stubs
pip install pybind11-stubgen
# Mac users: May be you have to add the coverage and pybind11-stubgen on your `PATH` - /etc/paths

pybind11_mkdoc (github)
sudo apt install clang (pybind11_mkdoc dependency) - Linux/Mac Only

Tested Environments

Operational System Compilers
Windows 10 x64 Clang 18.0
Linux Ubuntu 20.04 GCC 9.3
Apple OSX 10.15 XCode 11.5 (Command Line Tools)

Quick Start

Build Python module from C++ source

Open a terminal (or CMD in Windows), enter inside of the maialib folder.
Type: make to build the Python module
When the build process finishes, type: make install

Known issues to build from source

All Platforms

  • Multiple Python versions installed, like: Official Python, Microsoft Python, MSYS2 Python and others can direct the build system to choose a wrong version to build and install the library.
    To check all Python versions installed on your system, open the Terminal (or CMD on Windows) and type: - Linux or Mac: - which python - which python3 - Windows: - where.exe python - where.exe python3


  • Disable your antivirus or create a exception (CMake permissions)


Nycholas Maia - nyckmaia@gmail.com


  • Fork this project
  • Make your custumizations and improvments
  • Please, send me a pull request


Maialib is licensed under GPLv3 License