
A maid that sweeps your files

pip install maid-sweeper==0.6.96


Maid Sweeper for files

Instead of cleaning the unused files, it calls a maid to label them and sweep them under the rug accordingly.

However, the maid can practice Danshari given permission. For example, she can sell your unused iPad for money.

Like Toki, she has two modes:

tag: Label the files/directories automatically, based on their types and names.

  • code projects and application directories are labeled, and their children are not scanned
  • others are labeled based on the extensions

sweep: Carry out actions based on the labels`.


  • AsyncIO, so all operations are in parallel
  • MongoDB for fast indexing
  • Save time by not scanning every single file inside code and program directories and not checking the metadata
  • Kyoufu


  1. Have Python 3.10.
  2. Install by running pip install maid-sweeper.


  1. Start a MongoDB instance.
  2. Run maid-sweeper tag D:\Study, then you can find tagged entries in the database. Sweeping works on all directories tagged.
  3. Run maid-sweeper sweep -t video game -x del \q \f {}, and the maid is going to remove all 'video' or 'game' tagged files and directories.
    • Any other commands is OK as well
    • By default the maid will do a sweep -- remove all those files. Kyoufu!


  • Multithreading
  • Remove type hints
  • Tags based on time
    • How does it affect other tags? If not why bother?
    • Maybe not tag, but just metadata
    • There will be IO cost
  • Group similarly named files: 01.jpg, 02.jpg, etc.
  • Understand human language so they can toss away garbage
  • Optionally clean up the database after sweeping.
  • Single line mode: do the tag, sweep, and clean up database entries with a single command.
  • Allow users to specify tags