
Development Status :: 1 - Beta

pip install make-moments==1.0.6



A stand alone version of the pyFAT make_moments and create xv_diagram function. The function can be imported to your python code or you can run it by itself from command line after a pip install:

pip install make-moments

For moment maps:

use as: make_moments filename=Cub.fits mask=mask.fits

If the maps already exist add overwrite=True

For an overview of the possible input type 'make_moments -e' to print the default yaml file.

to configure setting from a yaml file

make_moments -c my_input_file.yml

To use in python script:

from make_moments.functions import moments

And then use the moments() function

For PV-diagrams:

create_PV_diagram filename=Cub.fits PA=16.

to configure setting from a yaml file

create_PV_diagram -c my_input_file.yml

To use in python script:

from make_moments.functions import pv_diagram

And then use the pv_diagram() function