
Easy lint and format you code

autoformat, flake8, lint
pip install make_better==0.5.0



make_better is a Python package designed to improve the quality of your code by providing preconfigured linters and a code formatter. The package is built to make it easy for Python developers to maintain high standards in their code by running a single command.


  • Preconfigured linters to check your code for potential issues without being too annoying.
  • A preconfigured code formatter to ensure your code is formatted according to best practices.
  • Easy to use: simply run a single command to check and format your code.
  • Saves time by removing the routine of having to check and format code manually.


You can install make_better via pip:

pip install make_better


To check and format your code, simply navigate to the directory containing your Python files and run the following command:

make_better --autoformat

This will run the preconfigured linters and code formatter on your code. Any potential issues will be flagged, and your code will be formatted according to best practices.

Why line-length 90

We use a line length of 90, so that people on laptops with a diagonal of 16 do not have problems during the review