
Python SDK for Machina Management API's

pip install management-api-tools==1.0.0


Management API Tools

This toolkit arose from the need to ensure a consistent state of policies during the 2020 Ionic Hackathon. It has since evolved and now supports the Data Policies and Metrics Management API's.

This software is not officially supported by Ionic Security, Inc.


  • Authenticate to Machina using a simple interface for basic, bearer, and HMAC authentication methods.
  • List, create, update, backup, and delete data policies programmatically.
  • Retrieve metrics activity for various request types.


Install management_api_tools (requires Python 3.7+):

python -m pip install management_api_tools

To preserve the current configuration of data policies prior to the execution of a demo, can create a backup of all data policies programmatically.

Alternatively, it is possible to export data policies manually:

  1. Login to the Machina Console
  2. Go to the Data Policies tab
  3. Filter the data policies, if necessary
  4. Click Export on the top right
  5. Download the file

With the exported policies saved locally, you can use management_api_tools to enforce your desired state:

from pathlib import Path

from management_api_tools import Machina

def first_policy_demo():
    """ Ensure the desired state exists for the first demo. """
    # Modify the path to point to the location of the JSON file.
    document = Path.cwd().joinpath('data-policies.json')
    policy_document = document.read_text(encoding='utf-8-sig')

    api = Machina(instance_id='INSTANCE_ID')
    api.hmac_authentication(identity='HMAC_IDENTITY', secret='HMAC_SECRET')

    # merge='replace' will delete all other data policies that do not exist in the JSON file.
    return api.create_update_multiple_policies(policy_document=policy_document, merge='replace')

def second_policy_demo():
    """ Ensure the desired state exists for the second demo. """

desired_state = first_policy_demo()

Additional examples can be found in

Local Development and Testing


Development and testing should be done in a virtual environment.

$ git clone
$ cd management_api_tools
$ python -m venv venv --prompt management_api_tools
$ source venv/bin/activate
(management_api_tools) $ python -m pip install -U pip

Install management_api_tools locally.

(management_api_tools) $ python -m pip install -e ".[test]"


Review the design document to understand the test runner implementation.

You can test any changes locally with pytest.

(management_api_tools) $ python -m pytest --cov=management_api_tools

You can also test management_api_tools as an installed package.

(management_api_tools) $ python -m tox

Building a wheel

(management_api_tools) $ python -m pip install build
(management_api_tools) $ python -m build --wheel

There should now be a wheel in the dist directory.

(management_api_tools) $ ls -1 dist