
Sort list by multiple keys and directions

dictionary, dict, list, sort, keysort
pip install mangosort==0.2.1


mangosort: Sort list by multiple keys and directions

mangosort is a small module that helps you sort lists of dictionaries by multiple keys

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Sort by multiple directions:

To sort by different directions at same time you need to pass a list of dictionaries with keys you want to order and values asc or desc.

from mangosort import mangosort
my_list =  [{'code': 'beta', 'number': 3}, 
            {'code': 'delta', 'number': 2},
            {'code': 'delta', 'number': 3}]

mangosort.sort_by_key(my_list, [{'code': 'desc'}, {'number': 'asc'}])

[{'code': 'delta', 'number': 2}, 
{'code': 'delta', 'number': 3}, 
{'code': 'beta', 'number': 3}]

If you need or prefer to pass bool, in this case, think reverse True(desc) or False(asc).

# Reverse True or False
mangosort.sort_by_key(my_list, [{'code': True}, {'number': 0}])

[{'code': 'delta', 'number': 2}, 
{'code': 'delta', 'number': 3}, 
{'code': 'beta', 'number': 3}]

Sort ASC:

from mangosort import mangosort
my_list =  [{'code': 'beta', 'number': 3}, 
            {'code': 'delta', 'number': 2},
            {'code': 'delta', 'number': 3}]
mangosort.sort_by_key_asc(my_list, ['code', 'number'])

[{'code': 'beta', 'number': 3}, 
{'code': 'delta', 'number': 2}, 
{'code': 'delta', 'number': 3}]

Sort DESC:

from mangosort import mangosort
my_list =  [{'code': 'beta', 'number': 3}, 
            {'code': 'delta', 'number': 2},
            {'code': 'delta', 'number': 3}]
mangosort.sort_by_key_asc(my_list, ['code', 'number'])

[{'code': 'delta', 'number': 3}, 
{'code': 'delta', 'number': 2}, 
{'code': 'beta', 'number': 3}]

How to Install

Install via PyPi

pip install mangosort


I’m accepting pull requests that improve speed and legibility of the code or anything else you think will be good.


This module is under MIT License, but you can do what you want. It's just a bunch of code.

Just tell your friends about it.

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