Marker: A highly configurable automarker for university assignments.

pip install marker==2.1.5



A marking utility to help automate code testing, and interfacing with the submission platform. Currently, the following platforms are supported:

  • Canvas
  • MarkUs

This package installs the program marker. It can either be run as an interactive REPL or through the command line directly. It supports the following commands:

  • download: Downloads files from the given LMS.
  • prepare: Copies needed files into student directories, compiles code.
  • run: Runs all the test cases, creates logs and compiles marks.
  • upload-marks: Uploads the student marks to the LMS.
  • upload-reports: Uploads the testing logs to the LMS for the student.
  • delete-reports: Deletes the testing logs from the LMS for the student.
  • set-status: Sets the marking state of the submission (MarkUs only).
  • stats: Gives you some basic statistics of the results.

Each of the commands can be run either for individual students or for everyone. Run marker help or marker help command for more information.

How to install

There are 2 ways to install this marker.

(1) Using PIP

This is by far the recommended way of installing this utility. Simply run:

pip install marker

(2) Build from source

Alternatively, if you want to develop, you will need to build from source. First, clone this repository to your machine:

git clone

Then, go into the cloned repo and use flit to install

cd marker
pip install flit
flit install

How to use

Some examples on how to use this marker with Python and C code are provided in the templates directory, however it is designed to work with any programming language as long as you can run tests from the command line. Even if you're not using C, the template will be helpful in showing you how to set it up to work with your environment.

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