
Common library tools for Moonshine AI

moonshine, library
pip install mashlib==0.1.6


Shared utility functions powering Moonshine tools.

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What is Mash?

Mash is a straightforward utility library for common tasks in computer vision and deep model training. The library was broken out of previous Moonshine projects like Moonshine and Zeroshot.

What can Mash Do?

Mash broadly supports a few utilities, but the main ones are:

  1. Easy image conversion: simply call to_pil, to_numpy, and to_tensor to convert image formats. Accepts other images, URLs, or local files.
  2. Image processing files: convenience functions like crop_to_multiple_of_dimensions for transformer based patch models like ViT.
  3. Console UI: for long running jobs, a fullscreen console utility that has a progress bar at the bottom and text logging.
  4. Cloud functions: use glob or exists on AWS or GCS links.

For a complete list of functions, see the documentation


To install via pip:

pip install mashlib


To use:

# Import base package
import mash

# Import image processing
import mash.images as mi
image = mi.to_numpy("/path/to/image.png")