
Maxpanda API V1

Swagger, Maxpanda, API, V1
pip install maxpanda-python-sdk==0.0.4



The Maxpanda API documentation for version 1

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

pip install maxpanda-python-sdk

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import maxpanda_python_sdk 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import maxpanda_python_sdk

Publish to PyPi

  • pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel twine
  • python3 sdist bdist_wheel
  • python3 -m twine upload dist/*

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import maxpanda_python_sdk
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyHeader
configuration = maxpanda_python_sdk.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['X-API-KEY'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-KEY'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = maxpanda_python_sdk.AssetStatusApi(maxpanda_python_sdk.ApiClient(configuration))
request_complete_information = true # bool | True option provides all the data fields. False will only return required fields
page = 56 # int | Page number to start retrieving data (similar to List View pagification) (optional)
page_size = 56 # int | Number of records per page (max=100) (optional)

    # Get a paged list of Asset Status
    api_response = api_instance.asset_statuses_get(request_complete_information, page=page, page_size=page_size)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AssetStatusApi->asset_statuses_get: %s\n" % e)

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyHeader
configuration = maxpanda_python_sdk.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['X-API-KEY'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['X-API-KEY'] = 'Bearer'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = maxpanda_python_sdk.AssetStatusApi(maxpanda_python_sdk.ApiClient(configuration))
id = 56 # int | The Asset Status id to retrieve
request_complete_information = true # bool | True option provides all the data fields. False will only return required fields

    # Get a specific Asset Status record
    api_response = api_instance.asset_statuses_get_0(id, request_complete_information)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AssetStatusApi->asset_statuses_get_0: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AssetStatusApi asset_statuses_get GET /v1/Company/AssetStatuses Get a paged list of Asset Status
AssetStatusApi asset_statuses_get_0 GET /v1/Company/AssetStatuses/id Get a specific Asset Status record
AssetTypeApi asset_types_get GET /v1/Company/AssetTypes Get a paged list of Asset Types
AssetTypeApi asset_types_get_0 GET /v1/Company/AssetTypes/id Get a specific Asset Type type record
AssetsApi assets_v1_create POST /v1/Asset Create an Asset
AssetsApi assets_v1_get GET /v1/Assets Get a list of Assets
AssetsApi assets_v1_get_0 GET /v1/Asset/id Get a specific Asset
AssetsApi assets_v1_update_asset PUT /v1/Asset Update an Asset
BinsApi bin_get GET /v1/Bins Get list of Bins
BinsApi bin_get_0 GET /v1/Bins/id Get a specific Bin
BinsApi bin_post POST /v1/Bins Create a Bin
BinsApi bin_put PUT /v1/Bins Update a Bin
BuildingsApi buildings_create_building POST /v1/Building Create a new Building
BuildingsApi buildings_get_building GET /v1/Building/id Get a specific Building
BuildingsApi buildings_get_buildings GET /v1/Buildings Get a paged list of buildings
BuildingsApi buildings_patch PATCH /v1/Building Update specific attributes of a given building
CustomerApi customer_get GET /v1/Customers Get a paged list of Customers
CustomerApi customer_get_customer_by_id GET /v1/Customer/id Get a specific customer
CustomerApi customer_post POST /v1/Customer Create a new customer
CustomerApi customer_put PUT /v1/Customer Update an existing customer.
CustomerInvoicesApi customer_invoice_create_customer_invoice POST /v1/CustomerInvoice Create a new customer invoice.
CustomerInvoicesApi customer_invoice_edit_customer_invoice PUT /v1/CustomerInvoice Update Customer Invoice
CustomerInvoicesApi customer_invoice_get GET /v1/GetCustomerInvoices Get list of Customer Invoices
CustomerInvoicesApi customer_invoice_get_0 GET /v1/GetCustomerInvoice/id Get a specific Customer Invoice
DepartmentApi department_get GET /v1/Company/Departments Get a paged list of departments
DepartmentApi department_get_0 GET /v1/Company/Department/id Get a specific Department type record
InvoiceItemTaxApi invoice_tax_get GET /v1/Company/InvoiceTaxes Get a paged list of Invoice Taxes
InvoiceItemTaxApi invoice_tax_get_0 GET /v1/Company/InvoiceTax/id Get a specific Invoice Tax record
InvoiceItemTypeApi invoice_item_types_get GET /v1/Company/InvoiceItemTypes Get a paged list of Invoice Item Types
InvoiceItemTypeApi invoice_item_types_get_0 GET /v1/Company/InvoiceItemType/id Get a specific Invoice Item Type record
LocationApi locations_create POST /v1/Location Create a location
LocationApi locations_get GET /v1/Locations Get a list of locations
LocationApi locations_get_0 GET /v1/Location/id Get a specific location
LocationApi locations_patch PUT /v1/Location Update a location
LocationTypeApi location_types_get GET /v1/Company/LocationTypes Get a paged list of Location Types
LocationTypeApi location_types_get_0 GET /v1/Company/LocationTypes/id Get a specific location type record
MeteringTypeApi metering_types_get GET /v1/Company/MeteringTypes Get a paged list of Metering Types
MeteringTypeApi metering_types_get_0 GET /v1/Company/MeteringTypes/id Get a specific Metering Type record
POAddressApi p_o_address_create POST /v1/Company/POAddress Create a new Purchase Order Address
POAddressApi p_o_address_get GET /v1/Company/POAddress Get Purchase Order Address
POAddressApi p_o_address_get_0 GET /v1/Company/POAddress/id Get a specific PO Address
POAddressApi p_o_address_put PUT /v1/Company/POAddress Update an existing Purchase Order Address
POTemplatesApi p_o_template_get GET /v1/PurchaseOrderTemplate Get a paged list of Purchase Order Template
POTemplatesApi p_o_template_get_0 GET /v1/PurchaseOrderTemplate/id Get a specific Purchase Order Template
PartCategoryApi part_category_create POST /v1/Company/PartCategory Create a new Part Category
PartCategoryApi part_category_delete_part_category DELETE /v1/Company/PartCategory Delete PartCategory of Part
PartCategoryApi part_category_get GET /v1/Company/PartCategory Get a paged list of PartCategory
PartCategoryApi part_category_get_0 GET /v1/Company/PartCategory/{id} Get a specific Part Category record
PartCategoryApi part_category_put PUT /v1/Company/PartCategory Update an existing Part Category
PartStatusApi part_statuses_get GET /v1/Company/PartStatuses Get a paged list of Parts Status
PartStatusApi part_statuses_get_0 GET /v1/Company/PartStatuses/{id} Get a specific Part Status record
PartsApi part_get GET /v1/Parts Get a list of parts
PartsApi part_get_0 GET /v1/Part/id Get a specific Part
PartsApi part_get_part_types GET /v1/PartTypes Get a list of Part Types
PartsApi part_post POST /v1/Part Create a new Part
PartsApi part_put PUT /v1/Part Update a Part
PurchaseOrdersApi purchase_order_get GET /v1/PurchaseOrder Get a paged list of Purchase Orders
PurchaseOrdersApi purchase_order_get_0 GET /v1/PurchaseOrder/id Get a specific Purchase Order
PurchaseOrdersApi purchase_order_get_po_status GET /v1/PurchaseOrderStatus Get Purchase Order Statuses
PurchaseOrdersApi purchase_order_post POST /v1/PurchaseOrder Create a new Purchase Order
PurchaseOrdersApi purchase_order_put PUT /v1/PurchaseOrder Update a Purchase Order
PurchaseOrdersApi purchase_order_put_0 PUT /v1/UpdatePurchaseOrderStatus Update Status of Purchase Order
ServiceTypesApi service_type_get GET /v1/ServiceTypes Get a paged list of Service Types
ServiceTypesApi service_type_get_0 GET /v1/ServiceType/id Get a Service Type
ServiceTypesApi service_type_post POST /v1/ServiceType Create a new service Type
ServiceTypesApi service_type_put PUT /v1/ServiceType Update a service Type
SitesApi sites_get GET /v1/Sites Get a list of sites
SitesApi sites_get_0 GET /v1/Sites/id Get a specific site
TaskFieldsApi task_field_create POST /v1/TaskField Create new Field for a Task
TaskFieldsApi task_field_get GET /v1/TaskField Get Fields associated with a Task
TaskFieldsApi task_field_get_by_id GET /v1/TaskField/Id Get Field associated with a Task
TaskFieldsApi task_field_put PUT /v1/TaskField Update Task Field
TaskPriorityApi task_priorities_get GET /v1/TaskPriorities Get a paged list of Task Priority
TaskStatusApi task_statuses_get GET /v1/TaskStatuses Get a paged list of Task Statuses
TasksApi task_get GET /v1/Tasks Get a paged list of Task Statuses
TasksApi task_get_0 GET /v1/Tasks/id Get a specific Task
TasksApi task_post POST /v1/Task Create a new Task
TasksApi task_put PUT /v1/Task Update an existing Task
UsersApi user_get_user_by_id GET /v1/UserById/id Get a specific User
UsersApi user_get_users GET /v1/Users Get list of Users
VendorApi vendor_get_vendor_by_id GET /v1/Vendors/id Get a specific Vendor
VendorApi vendor_get_vendors GET /v1/Vendors Get list of Vendors
VendorApi vendor_post POST /v1/Vendor Create a new Vendor
VendorApi vendor_put PUT /v1/Vendor Update an existing vendor.
VendorInvoicesApi vendor_invoice_get GET /v1/VendorInvoices Get a paged list of Vendor Invoice
VendorInvoicesApi vendor_invoice_get_0 GET /v1/VendorInvoice/id Get a specific Vendor Invoice
VendorInvoicesApi vendor_invoice_post POST /v1/VendorInvoice Create an Invoice
VendorInvoicesApi vendor_invoice_put PUT /v1/VendorInvoice Update an Invoice
WorkOrderCategoryApi work_order_categories_get GET /v1/Company/WorkorderCategories Get a paged list of Workorder Categories
WorkOrderCategoryApi work_order_categories_get_0 GET /v1/Company/WorkorderCategory/id Get a specific Workorder Category record
WorkOrderPriorityApi work_order_priorities_get GET /v1/Company/WorkOrderPriorities Get a paged list of WorkOrder Priorities
WorkOrderPriorityApi work_order_priorities_get_0 GET /v1/Company/WorkOrderPriority/id Get a specific WorkOrder Priority record
WorkOrdersApi work_orders_create_workorder POST /v1/WorkOrder Submit a workorder
WorkOrdersApi work_orders_delete_work_order_task DELETE /v1/DeleteWorkOrderTask Delete Task of Workorder
WorkOrdersApi work_orders_get GET /v1/WorkOrders Get a list of work orders
WorkOrdersApi work_orders_get_0 GET /v1/WorkOrders/id Get a specific work order
WorkOrdersApi work_orders_get_to_do GET /v1/ToDo Get Users To Do WorkOrder List
WorkOrdersApi work_orders_get_work_orders_by_status GET /v1/WorkOrdersByWorkOrderStatus Get Workorders by Status
WorkOrdersApi work_orders_get_work_orders_by_user GET /v1/WorkordersByUser Get list of workorders created by an User
WorkOrdersApi work_orders_get_workorder_statuses GET /v1/WorkOrderStatuses Get a list of work orders statues
WorkOrdersApi work_orders_update_workorder PUT /v1/WorkOrder/id Update a workorder
WorkOrdersApi work_orders_update_workorder_status POST /v1/ChangeWorkOrderStatus Change status of workorder

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-API-KEY
  • Location: HTTP header
