
Implementation of maze-related algorithms

mazely, maze, algorithms, maze-algorithms, maze-generator, maze-solver
pip install mazely==0.2.0



Solved 32x128 maze

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An API for solving and generating mazes, written in Python.


Install mazely with pip:

pip install mazely


A library reference can be found here.

Usage examples

Also, see the examples folder.

Load and display a maze

Create an instance of Maze and pass a path to a maze file to load an existing maze. Use the show_grid() method from Utilities to display a grid of the maze.

from mazely import Maze, Utilities

maze = Maze(path="resources/2015apec.maze")
utils = Utilities()

APEC 2015

Solve a maze and display its solution

A solution is always made when you create an instance of Maze. To display the solution, use the show_solution() method from Utilities.

from mazely import Maze, Utilities

maze = Maze(path="resources/2019japan.maze")
utils = Utilities()

Japan 2019

Generate a maze and display its solution

To generate a maze, pass the row and column counts as you create a Maze instance. Refer to the previous section to display its solution.

from mazely import Maze, Utilities

maze = Maze(32, 32)
utils = Utilities()

Solved 32x32 maze

Maze files

The library only supports a single maze format, as specified below.

File format

Each cell is 3 characters wide and 3 characters tall.

|   |

To specify the goal cell, replace the center with G.

| G |

And replace with S for the start cell.

| S |

Here is an example of a 3x3 maze.

|           |
+   +---+   +
|     G |   |
+---+---+   +
| S         |


Here are a couple links to collections of maze files (format may not be supported):