Machine Learning scripts that will quicken the modelling and data analysis process

python, mb_scripts, machine, learning, data, science, analysis, deep
pip install mb-scripts==0.1.1


2022-04-25 (3)
Creator : Sathya Krishnan Suresh


This is a python package to quicken the modelling and data analysis process.

PyPi :

Version 0.1.1 additions

  1. feature selection
    Feature selection sub-package has been added which consists of UnivariateFeatureSelection and CombinationFeatureSelection.
  2. generate_time_series
    This function can be used to test out new Recurrent Neural Architectures.
  3. Plotting feature importances using RandomForest
    This function helps selecting the features that are most correlated with the target variable with the help of RandomForest
  4. Decomposition
    The new model in 🔥Decomposition🔥 contains standard decomposition methods that help with dimensionality reduction.
  5. metrics update
    A lot of regression metrics have been added along with multiclass precision metrics variations.

Installing and using mb_scripts

The package can be downloaded using

pip install mb-scripts==<latest_version>

Latest version : 0.1.0.

Once you have installed mb_scripts you can begin using it.

Here are some examples for using mb_scripts.

train_validation_curve_for_rf - used to monitor RandomForestClassifier's overfitting 2022-05-07

plot_decision_boundary is used to visually look at the decision boundary of classification functions

2022-04-25 (1)

classifiers_metrics returns a dataframe that consists of precision, recall, accuracy_score and f1_score for all the classification models passed.

2022-04-25 (2)

I am writing scripts regularly so the versions will keep changing for the next one month. Stay tuned.