
CLI tool to translate markdown files

pip install md_translate==3.2.0


Markdown Docs Translator

Python contributions welcome

Markdown Docs Translator is an automated translator for Markdown documents, built with Python. The tool supports multiple translation services and provides a variety of options to customize the translation process.


  • Support for multiple translation services (Yandex, Google, Bing, Deepl).
  • Multithreading for faster translations.
  • Options to overwrite original files, drop original files, or create a new file with translated text.
  • Continuing translation in case of an error or interruption.
  • Caching for faster repeat translations.
  • Verbosity level control.


Note: Chrome browser is required to be installed on your system.

pipx install md-translate


git clone
cd md_docs-trans-app
pip install .



md-translate path_to_file_or_folder -F source_lang -T target_lang -P service [OPTIONS]


  • path_to_file_or_folder is the path to the markdown file or folder containing markdown files to translate.
  • source_lang is the language code of the source document.
  • target_lang is the language code for the translation.
  • service is the translating service to use (yandex, google, bing, deepl).
  • OPTIONS are additional options that can be specified as listed below.


Option Description
-F, --from-lang TEXT Source language code [required]
-T, --to-lang TEXT Target language code [required]
-P, --service Translating service [required]
-X, --processes INTEGER Number of processes to use. Each file is translated in separate process.
-N, --new-file Create a new file with translated text (original file will remain unchanged). The new file will be created in the same directory as the original file with a "_translated" suffix
-I, --ignore-cache Ignore cache files. If cache exists, it will be overwritten
-S, --save-temp-on-complete Save cache files upon completion. If not set, they will be deleted
-O, --overwrite Already translated files will be overwritten. Otherwise, these files will be skipped
-D, --drop-original Remove original lines from translated file. These lines will be replaced with translated ones. Otherwise translated lines will be appended after originals
--deepl-api-key Deepl API key. Required by deepl_api translation provider.
-v, --verbose Verbosity level
--help Show help message and exit

Currently supported services are:

  • Yandex
  • Google
  • Bing
  • Deepl
  • LibreTranslate
  • DeepL API

Configuring with a Configuration File

Options for the application can be defined through a configuration file as well. This file should be named settings.json and is typically located at ~/.config/md_translate.

If you choose to use a non-default location for the config file, you can specify its path using the --config or -C option.

This configuration file can encompass all CLI options except path, from_lang, to_lang, service and config_file_path. These particular options need to be stated directly in the CLI.

The configuration file should be a valid JSON file and adhere to the following structure:

    "processes": 4,
    "new_file": true,
    "ignore_cache": false,
    "save_temp_on_complete": false,
    "overwrite": false,
    "verbose": 1,
    "drop_original": false


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
