
Framework for running tests embedded in markdown files.

pip install mdtest==0.1.2


Markdown Test (mdtest)

Framework for verifying/testing documentation in markdown format. It can be used to do Behavior Test Driven Development (BTDD). This document is also a living example of self verified documentation (some kind of SSOT - single source of truth). Syntax is inspired by Concordion and it's syntax. Implementation based on python-markdown.

NOTICE: Project is still in very early stage of development!!! It might be unstable and a lot of things will probably change (At least output and traceability)

How to run

Just install python package. Then in the project root run:


It will search for and markdown files(ending on .md) in doc/ for a valid test (or "example" in Concordion language). For this project it will Ran 12 tests + this test (it is skipped here to avoid recursion).

For more details about command options see doc/

Concordion Syntax

You can easily start by looking at doc/ It is a mdtest instrumented version of Concordion Getting Started, which I recommend you to follow ;).

mdtest aims to use the same syntax as Concordion - it just provides different fixture implementation - python is a bit be more 'lightweight'.

Basic instrumentation syntax relays on commands, which are special markdown links:

# [Test case](- "basic")

Normal text and [text which might be verified](- "with some command")

This defines "Test Case" that runs "with some command" command (see "Commands examples" section for details).

Notice: commands links are always "-".

Notice2: This test case uses buildin fixture More details in section "Fixtures".

Commands examples

  • assign text to variable [text will be value](- "#some_variable") text will be value
  • assert variable value [text will be value](- "?=#some_variable") text will be value
  • run some command from fixture[text](- "?=get_first_word(#some_variable)") text

More details which syntax is supported can be found in doc/


Test cases definition contains annotation which fixture to be used:

# [Test case](- "python_functions")

This makes mdtest look for a given fixture (in this case in any path contains markdown files and builtin fixtures (like basic or cli). Fixtures are just a python files, which may contain some useful function for instrumenting documentation. For details and examples see buildin fixtures or just see fixture_*.py in this documentation doc file.

Changes to Concordion Syntax

Some additions to original syntax includes:

  • Each block is assigned to variable codeX where X is sequence number in testcase, so block is value of code1. This is useful for verifying some bigger blocks.
  • "==" provides assert useful with blocks. See example above.
  • Limited python syntax support

Example and more details can be found in doc/

Other notices and practice hits

  • To see how your files are rendered against different engines you can use babelmark
  • Some useful practices can be found on keepSpecsSimple by Concordion

As a rule of thumb I would use this project for some high level verification(on integrating whole product only) and to keep the documentation/specification up to date. More use cases should be implemented as integration and unit tests. I will try to keep this project as an example, but I am only human and some mistakes are unavoidable - If you know how to make things better - let me know ;)