
This is a script for study, use M-V-C design patterns in Latex writing, it also can convert a part of markdown syntax to tex, but there are some bug in it

pip install mdtex==0.0.3


[[ this block is abstract ]]


About the package

Thank for your reading. I'm a student and this package is create on my lesson for python/latex. I'm sorry to there are some bug have no fixed and more bug in unknown runtime. I hope use MVC(Model-View-Control) design patterns into LaTeX Writing(sure, there is no model part). This page is compiled with pyLatex(call the latex:pdflatex commands) if you are reading README.pdf, it also can find from output directory.

Directory structure

├── pyTex
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── output
│   ├──
│   └── templates
│       └── example.tex


We have two special default directories output and templates, and the directories also can be changed in you can create and modify your own LaTeX templates in your templates directory, and call compile method to output tex/pdf file in your output directory.

Source Code

There are two python class, pyLatex class to parse templates tags and render content from user to templates, it also have a method named compile that call the command pdflatex from LaTeX software. So you need to install LaTeX, if you on ubuntu(linux with apt-get) platform, can use:

sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-*

if you need multi-lang, for example cjk:

sudo apt-get install latex-cjk-all

and use it in your templates.

We have a demo in, if you had installed LaTeX, can use it to compile this README demo.

Basic syntax in markdown

Small memo with MarkDown, Big paper with LaTeX.

I am sorry to that the package only can use the following syntax and also can't insert newline symbol(except in block content) It only a model for easy to use, sure you can use LaTeX syntax by pyLatex, it's beautiful but not conciser than markdown.


like this title, with 1~4 '#' to mark it


text/code block
this is block area


hello, -- LaTeX World -- !


a line with italic font

Contact Me

If you have question, suggestion or want to make it better together, please send mail to me:

Thanks Again!