
Generate Most Exciting Input to explore and understand PyTorch model's behavior by identifying input samples that induce high activation from specific neurons in your model.

generate, meitorch, most, exciting, input, optimization, interpretability
pip install meitorch==0.223


Most Exciting Input

Generate Most Exciting Input to explore and understand PyTorch model's behavior by identifying input samples that induce high activation from specific neurons in your model.


paper: Input optimization for interpreting neural generative models


pip install meitorch


  1. Load the model you want to generate interpretable visualizations for.
model = load_your_model()
  1. Define the operation you want to optimize most exciting inputs for.

Your operation must take a batch of inputs as parameters and return a dictionary of losses. Visualizations will be generated for the input that maximizes the loss named "objective".

import torch

def operation(inputs):
    outputs = model(inputs)
    activation = outputs[:, 0]
    activation = torch.mean(activation, dim=0)
    loss = -activation
    losses = dict(
    return losses

You can also define more complex operations that include multiple losses. Adding other losses to the dictionary will enable you to plot them after the optimization.

def operation(inputs):
    outputs = model(inputs)
    activation = outputs[:, 0]
    activation = torch.mean(activation, dim=0)
    model_losses = compute_loss(inputs, outputs)
    regularization = losses["elbo"] * 0.1
    loss = -activation + regularization
    losses = dict(
   return losses
  1. Create a MEI object with your operation and the input shape of your model.
from meitorch.mei import MEI

mei = MEI(operation=operation(), shape=(1, 40, 40), device=device)
  1. Define a configuration for the optimization and generate Most Exciting Inputs. There are minor differences between the configuration for different optimization schemes, more on configurations below.

Generate pixel-wise MEI

pixel_mei_config = dict(/* your config here */)
result = mei.generate_pixel_mei(config=pixel_mei_config)

Generate variational MEI

variational_mei_config = dict(/* your config here */)
result = mei.generate_variational_mei(config=variational_mei_config)

Generate transformation MEI

transformation_mei_config = dict(/* your config here */)
result = mei.generate_transformation_mei(config=transformation_mei_config)
  1. Analyze the results Access the generated images and the losses from the result object.

Plot the loss curves and the visualizations

result.plot_losses(show=False, save_path=None, ranges=None)
result.plot_image_and_losses(self, save_path=None, ranges=None)

Plot spatial frequency spectrum of the generated images


Further analysis You can further analyze the results with the meitorch.analyze module.

from meitorch.analyze import Analyze


For all configurations, you can use a schedule instead of a constant value for any parameter. A schedule is a function that takes the current iteration as input and returns the value for that iteration. You can access the schedule class in

from import LinearSchedule

schedule = LinearSchedule(start=0.1, end=0.01)

Available schedules are:

- LinearSchedule(start, end)
- OctaveSchedule(values)
- RandomSchedule(minimum, maximum)

Pixel-wise MEI configuration example

image_mei_config = dict(
    iter_n=2,         # number of optimization steps
    n_samples=1,      # number of samples per batch
    save_every=1,     # save copy of image every n iterations
    bias=0,           # bias of the distribution the image is sampled from
    scale=1,          # scaling of the distribution the image is sampled from
    diverse=False,    # whether to use diverse sampling
        div_metric='euclidean', # distance metric for diversity (euclidean, cosine, correlation)
        div_linkage='minimum',  # linkage criterion for diversity (minimum, average)
        div_weight=1.1,         # weight of diversity loss

    #pre-step transformations
    scaler=1.01,          # scaling of the image before each step
    jitter=3,             # size of translational jittering before each step

    train_norm=1,        # norm adjustment during step
    norm=1,              # norm adjustment after step

    optimizer="rmsprop",    # optimizer (sgd, mei, rmsprop, adam)
        lr=0.03,            # learning rate
        weight_decay=1e-6,  # weight decay

    #preconditioning in the gradient
    precond=0.3,            # strength of gradient preconditioning filter falloff (float or schedule)

    #denoiser after each step
    blur='gaussian',        # denoiser type (gaussian, tv, bilateral)
        sigma=LinearSchedule(0.1, 0.01)
        #sigma_color=LinearSchedule(1, 0.01),
        #sigma_spatial=LinearSchedule(0.25, 0.01),

Variational MEI configuration example

var_mei_config = dict(
    iter_n=1,              # number of optimization steps
    save_every=100,        # save image every n iterations
    bias=0,                # bias of the distribution the image is sampled from
    scale=1,              # scaling of the distribution the image is sampled from

    scaler=RandomSchedule(1, 1.025),  # scaling of the image (float or schedule)
    jitter=None,                      # size of translational jittering

    optimizer="rmsprop",        # optimizer (sgd, mei, rmsprop, adam)
        lr=0.04,                # learning rate
        weight_decay=1e-7,      # weight decay

    precond=0.4,            # strength of gradient preconditioning filter

    distribution='normal',      # distribution of the MEI (normal, laplace)
    n_samples_per_batch=(128,), # number of samples per batch (tuple)
    fixed_stddev=0.4,           # fixed stddev of the distribution, None for learned stddev

Transformation MEI configuration example

For the transformation MEI, you need to define a transformation operation that takes an image as input and returns a transformed image. Any backpropagatable operation can be used as a transformation. In the example below, we use a generative convolutional network, which is defined in

tranformation_mei_config = dict(
        iter_n=150,          # number of optimization steps
        save_every=1,        # save image every n iterations
        bias=0,              # bias of the distribution the image is sampled from
        scale=1,             # scaling of the distribution the image is sampled from
        n_samples=128,       # number of samples per batch

        #transformations before each step
        scaler=None,            # scaling of the image (float or schedule)
        jitter=None,            # size of translational jittering

        train_norm=None,        # norm adjustment during step

        optimizer="mei",        # optimizer (sgd, mei, rmsprop, adam)
            lr=0.02,            # learning rate
            weight_decay=1e-5,  # weight decay
        precond=0.4,            # strength of gradient preconditioning filter

        # transformation operation
        transform = GenerativeConvNet(hidden_sizes=[1], fixed_stddev=0.6, kernel_size=9,  activation=torch.nn.ReLU(), activate_output=False, shape=(1, 40, 40))