
A module to easily access Melopero's APDS9960 sensor's features

pip install melopero-apds9960==0.1.4




To install the module, open a terminal and run this command: pip3 install melopero-apds9960


The sensor is made up of four different 'engines':

  • Proximity Engine

  • Gesture Engine

  • Color/Als Engine

  • Wait Engine

The sensor works like a state machine where each engine represents a state. There are also the SLEEP and IDLE state.
The states are entered sequentially in the order depicted below:


How to use

Importing the module and device object creation:

import melopero_apds9960 as mp

device = mp.APDS_9960()
# Alternatively you can specify which i2c bus and address to use
device = mp.APDS_9960(i2c_addr=MY_ADDRESS, i2c_bus=MY_BUS)

# Reset device : Disables all engines and enters the SLEEP state

Enabling/Disabling the engines:


General Device Methods

To toggle between the low consumption SLEEP state and the operating IDLE state:

device.wake_up(True) # Enter IDLE state
device.wake_up(False) # Enter SLEEP state

Other general methods:

# Enters SLEEP state after an interrupt occurred

# Sets the LED drive strength. Must be one of mp.APDS_9960.LED_DRIVE_N_mA

# The LED_BOOST allows the LDR pin to sink more current above the maximum settings. Must be
# one of mp.APDS_9960.LED_BOOST_N (where N is the percentage).

# Returns a dictionary containing information about the device status.

Proximity engine

To read the last measured proximity value (to update the proximity values the engine must be enabled):

# Returns a value ranging from 0 (far) to 255 (near)

Proximity interrupts



device.set_proximity_interrupt_thresholds(low, high) 
# The Proximity Interrupt Threshold sets the high and low trigger points for the comparison
# function which generates an interrupt. If the value generated by the proximity channel,
# crosses below the lower threshold or above the higher threshold, an interrupt may be
# signaled to the host processor.

# The Interrupt Persistence sets a value which is compared with the accumulated amount
# Proximity cycles in which results were outside threshold values. Any Proximity result
# that is inside threshold values resets the count.

Advanced settings

# prox_gain must be one of mp.APDS_9960.PROXIMITY_GAIN_NX

device.set_proximity_pulse_count_and_length(pulse_count, pulse_length)
# The proximity pulse count is the number of pulses to be output on the LDR pin. The proximity
# pulse length is the amount of time the LDR pin is sinking current during a proximity pulse.
# pulse_count must be in range [1-64] and pulse_length must be one of mp.APDS_9960.

Gesture engine

The sensor enters the gesture engine state only if the proximity measurement is over a certain threshold.

device.set_gesture_prox_enter_threshold(enter_thr) # Sets the enter threshold

device.set_gesture_exit_threshold(exit_thr) # Sets the exit threshold

# Sets number of consecutive measurements that have to be below the exit threshold
# to exit the gesture state.  

device.set_gesture_exit_mask(mask_up, mask_down, mask_left, mask_right)
# Controls which of the gesture detector photodiodes (UDLR) will be included to
# determine a “gesture end” and subsequent exit of the gesture state machine

# This methods are NOT meant to be called every measurement... they are called just
# once to set the gesture engine state enter and exit condition

# To make sure the gesture engine state is always entered you can set both thresholds to 0

The gesture data is made of datasets of four bytes that represent the values of the UDLR photodiodes. The gesture data is stored in a FIFO queue and can be retrieved with the following methods:

n = device.get_number_of_datasets_in_fifo()

for i in range(n):
    dataset = device.get_gesture_data() # Reads the first dataset in the queue

To detect/parse gestures there are two useful methods:

# Collect gesture data and try to detect a gesture for the given amount of time
device.parse_gesture(parse_millis, tolerance = 12, der_tolerance = 6, confidence = 6)
# Try to detect a gesture from the datasets present in the fifo
device.parse_gesture_in_fifo(tolerance = 12, der_tolerance = 6, confidence = 6)

# The detected gestures are returned as a list of two elements:
# the first element describes the detected gesture on the vertical axis (up_gesture/down_gesture/no_gesture)
# the second element describes the detected gesture on the horizontal axis (left_gesture/right_gesture/no_gesture)

# Advanced settings:
# The tolerance parameter determines how much the two values (on the same axis) have to differ to interpret
# the current dataset as valid for gesture detection (if the values are nearly the same then its not possible to decide the direction 
# in which the object is moving).
# The der_tolerance does the same for the derivative of the two curves (the values on one axis through time):
# this prevents the device from detecting a gesture if the objects surface is not even...
# The confidence tells us the minimum amount of "detected gesture samples" needed for an axis to tell that a gesture has been detected othat axis:
# How its used in the source code: if (detected_up_gesture_samples > detected_down_gesture_samples + confidence) gesture_up_down = GESTURE_UP

Other general methods:


# Returns a dictionary containing data about the gesture engine status

Gesture interrupts


# if the number of datasets in the FIFO exceeds the given threshold an interrupt is generated.


Advanced settings

There are several other methods (similar to the proximity engine) to tweak the gesture engine's settings.

Color/Als engine

To read the last measured color value (to update the color values the engine must be enabled):

# Returns the last measured ARGB values (Alfa Red Green Blue) as 16 bit integers

The maximum values for the ARGB values depends on the saturation value which depends on the color engine's settings. To normalize the color values :

# First set the Color engine settigns
# ....
# ....

# Then retrieve the saturation value
saturation = device.get_saturation()

raw_data = device.get_color_data() # the raw data retrieved from the sensor 16 bit uints
normalized_data = list(map(lambda v : v / saturation, raw_data)) # values range from 0 to 1
byte_format = list(map(lambda v : v * 255, normalized_data)) # values range from 0 to 255

Color/Als interrupts


device.set_als_thresholds(low, high)
# if clear channel data is less than low or greater than high an interrupt is generated.

# Sets the number of measurements that meet the interrupt conditions to generate an interrupt.


Advanced settings

# als_gain must be one of mp.APDS_9960.ALS_GAIN_NX

# the internal integration time of ALS/Color analog to digital converters.
# If in a low light environment a longer integration time may lead to
# better results.

Wait engine

To set the wait time you can use:

device.set_wait_time(wtime, long_wait=False)
# This is the time that will pass between two cycles.The wait time should be
# configured before the proximity and the als engines get enabled.
# wtime: the time value in milliseconds. Must be between 2.78ms and 712ms
# long_wait = False: If true the wait time is multiplied by 12.