
Site-wide announcements for Mezzanine websites

django, mezzanine, announcement, popup, banner, alert
pip install mezzanine-announcements==3.3.0


Mezzanine Announcements

Workflow status PyPI version Python versions Follows: Semantic Versioning Code style: Black

A Mezzanine app to create and display site-wide announcements.


  • Schedulable announcements (start and end datetimes)
  • Define as many announcement types as you want in settings
  • Make announcements optionally dismissable by the user
  • An announcement will not bother the user after they have dismissed it
  • Optionally make the announcement reappear after a set amount of days
  • Add an optional time delay after page load before showing an announcement


  1. Install via pip: pip install mezzanine-announcements

  2. Add to "announcements" to INSTALLED_APPS.

  3. Run migrations.

  4. Add "announcements.context_processors.announcements" to your context processors.

  5. Define the list of announcement templates that will be available for your admin users. This is a tuple of two-value tuples defined in settings.ANNOUNCEMENTS_TEMPLATES where the first element is the path to the Django template to be used, and the second element is the friendly name displayed in the admin for said template. For example:

        ("announcements/modal.html", "Modal"),
        ("announcements/top_bar.html", "Top bar"),

    You need to create this templates yourself. An example is provided below.

  6. Add some announcements in the new "Announcements" section in the admin.

Then to display the announcements in your templates:

  1. Add the cookies and announcement scripts to the templates where you want to use the announcements

    <script src="{% static 'js/js.cookie.js' %}"></script>
    <script src="{% static 'js/announcements.js' %}"></script>
  2. Include the template with all announcements in a {% nevercache %} block:

    {% nevercache %}
    {% include "announcements/announcements.html" %}
    {% endnevercache %}


You can use any markup and styling you want in the announcement templates defined in settings.ANNOUNCEMENTS_TEMPLATES. You could use a Bootstrap modal, or simple horizontal bar on the top of your page. The only conditions that you need to keep in mind are the following:

  • The template must contain a single element of the class announcement.
  • The announcement ID, delay, and expiration must be present as data attributes on the .announcement element.
  • If the announcement is dismissable, you must include a clickable element with the class close-announcement as a child of .announcement.
{% load mezzanine_tags %}
	data-appearance-delay="{{ announcement.appearance_delay }}"
	data-announcement-id="{{ }}"
	data-expire-days="{{ announcement.expire_days }}"
	{{ announcement.content|richtext_filters|safe }}
	{% if announcement.can_dismiss %}
		<button class="close-announcement">Close</button>
	{% endif %}


Name Default value Description
ANNOUNCEMENTS_TEMPLATES None List of templates available for announcements. See Templates section above
ANNOUNCEMENTS_EXTRA_FIELDS None List of additional fields to display in the announcement admin: ["extra_content", "video_link", "form"]


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