
a cli tool to create gallery out of txt and png/jpeg files

gallery, image, to, webpage, twitter, like
pip install mgallery==0.1.1


mgallery: A CLI Tool for Creating Static HTML Galleries


mgallery is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that helps you create static HTML galleries from your images and text files. With mgallery, you can easily combine your files into a single HTML file, to view your gallery. It has similar style to twitter tweets.


pip install mgallery


  • Combine images (PNG, JPEG) and text files into a single HTML file
  • Add or replace note metadata of images with a given note
  • Read note metadata of images
  • Supports multiple input files and directories


Compile Command

Compile images and text files into a single HTML file:

mgallery compile <input_files> [-o output_file]


Let's say my diary directory is structured like this:

├── june
│   ├── 01-06-24.txt
│   ├── 04-06-24.txt
│   ├── buildspace_s5_w0.png
│   ├── IMG_20240616_191552.jpg
│   └── maybe_future_pp.jpg
└── may
    ├── 25-05-24.txt
    ├── 26-05-24.txt

To compile all text and image files without any exclusions, use:

mgallery compile -o /tmp/output.html

If input_files is not specified, the current working directory files will be used as input.

To compile only selected files, use:

mgallery compile june/maybe_future_pp.jpg june/01-06-24.txt -o /tmp/output.html

To compile files from a directory and a selected file from another directory, use:

mgallery compile june may/25-05-24.txt -o /tmp/output.html

The -o or --output flag specifies the location of the output file. If not provided, the CLI will create output.html in the current working directory.

Note Command

Add or replace note metadata of an image with a given note:

mgallery note <image_filename> <note>

Read Command

Read note metadata of an image:

mgallery read <image_filename>


mgallery is licensed under the MIT License.


I would like to thank the following projects and libraries that helped me create mgallery:

  • vercel v0
  • Groq LLaMA 70b
  • Tailwind
  • Pillow (PIL)
  • Python standard libraries


If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please open an issue in this repository.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further modifications.