
FTP filesystem for PyFilesystem2

filesystem, Pyfilesystem2, ftp, ftps
pip install miarec-ftpfs==2024.3.1




MiaRec FTPFS is a PyFilesystem interface to FTP/FTPS storage.

This a fork of the builtin FTPFS class from PyFileSystem2 project, written by Will McGugan (email willmcgugan@gmail.com).

The code was modified by MiaRec team to fullfill our needs.

Notable differences between miarec_ftpfs.FTPFS and fs.FTPFS

  1. Requires Python 3.6+. A support of Python 2.7 is removed.

  2. Opener protocol prefixes are mftp:// and mftps:// for FTP and FTP-over-TLS respectively (instead of the original ftp:// and ftps://)

  3. Add Implicit TLS support

  4. Fix bugs in Explicit TLS implementation

  5. Automatically try to re-open FTP connection on the next operation in case of network issues. Previously, the FTPFS object was stuck in error state, and any operations on the file system instance, like openbin(), listdir(), etc, were failing infinitely.

  6. Better error handling. All FTP protocol-specific and SSL errors are converted into corresponding FSError exception


You can install FTPFS from pip as follows:

pip install miarec_ftpfs

This will install the most recent stable version.

Alternatively, if you want the cutting edge code, you can check out the GitHub repos at https://github.com/miarec/miarec_ftpfs

Opening a FTPFS

Open an FTPFS by explicitly using the constructor:

from fs.ftpfs import FTPFS

Or via an FS URL:

ftp_fs = fs.open_fs('mftp://test.rebex.net')

Or via an FS URL, using TLS:

ftp_fs = fs.open_fs('mftps://demo.wftpserver.com')

You can also use a non-anonymous username, and optionally a password, even within a FS URL:

ftp_fs = FTPFS("test.rebex.net", user="demo", passwd="password")
ftp_fs = fs.open_fs('mftp://demo:password@test.rebex.net')

Connecting via a proxy is supported. If using a FS URL, the proxy URL will need to be added as a URL parameter:

ftp_fs = FTPFS("ftp.ebi.ac.uk", proxy="test.rebex.net")
ftp_fs = fs.open_fs('mftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/?proxy=test.rebex.net')


Automated unit tests are run on GitHub Actions

To run the tests locally, do the following.

Create activate python virtual environment:

python -m vevn venv
source venv\bin\activate

Install the project and test dependencies:

pip install -e ".[test]"

Run tests:

